“I Don’t Know How To Make Mom Friends.” Relax, You Aren’t Alone!
Making friends when we are kids is way easier than when we are adults. It can be weird to call someone your “best friend” when you are 30. But there comes a time when you become a mom and would like to have the company of others going through the same experiences.
Making mom friends is very important, as you can have someone going through things the way you do. But for a few people, making friends doesn’t come naturally after a certain age.
No, you can’t force anybody to become your friend. But there are a few ways by which you can make great mom friends.
Understanding How To Make Mom Friends
There is no formula when it comes to making friends, but there are certain things that you can do to make great mom friends. Here are the following things that you can do to ensure making friends with other moms.
1. Befriend Moms At Your Child’s School

It can be difficult for a new mom to make friends with like-minded people, but your kids’ school is the best place to find friends. There are a lot of events where parents have to participate, and during such events, you can make friends with other moms.
You can even go out with them taking your kids for play dates in the nearest playground or even for a picnic. You can easily judge your compatibility with the other moms.
2. Set Up Play Dates With Other Moms
While taking your kid to the playground, you might see the same moms and their kids daily; why not set up a playdate with them? This way, the moms can exchange numbers and hang out together even without the kids. This is how you become other mom friends.
It would be even better if the other moms lived nearby in the same neighborhood; you all can meet more often than usual.
3. Welcome Other Moms In The Neighborhood
If you are a long-time resident of a neighborhood and a new family just came to live there, why don’t you make the mom feel welcomed into the neighborhood? This way, you can easily make good mom friends with her.
Since you know the neighborhood well, you can help her with the best schools, restaurants, and shops. This helps to build a long friendship.
You can even invite the new family to your place for weekend dinners or go out with them for family outings. Your kids will become best friends like this, and you will have mom friends for life.
4. Meet Moms In Prenatal Classes
Suppose you don’t have a kid yet, but you are pregnant; then how will you make mom friends of about the same age and mindset? Since you will be attending prenatal classes, you can meet new moms expecting a baby.
This way, you can share the same experience and this particular moment. You won’t have to be alone at this specific time.
Going through the birth simultaneously also creates a bond between your kids. And you kids can be companions to each other since they are in infancy.
5. Join Local Mom Groups
One of the best ways of making mom friends is to join local mom groups that will connect you with other moms and kids of a similar age. If you are relatively new, you can seek out a mom with a kid like yours and ask her for connections and help.
Stay-at-home moms have their ways of coming across friends as well. Although it might initially seem problematic, your local groups can be a lifesaver. If you think you cannot find any local mom groups around you, you can always go to social media to find one.
Getting out of your comfort zone is very important to connect with other mothers and make a connection for yourself and your kid. This is how friendships are born and how you grow up with your kids.
6. Make Friends At Work.
If you are a working mom, it is possible that you won’t get a lot of time to bond with other moms in the neighborhood. If that is the case, then you can make friends with other moms in your office.
You can share your struggles with taking care of a kid and working at the same time. Eat lunch every day and even go out together after work. No one will understand the struggles of a working mother more than a similar working mother.
You can even let your kids bond together if the both of you have a similar daycare center. Making friends with other moms is not hard, but you need to interact and often make the first move toward making mom friends.
Different Types of Mom Friends
Mammas do it alone. However, moms also need other moms to thrive and live through their motherhood. There are moms of different types and qualities.
Some of them will come and lift you when you are down. Some will have the best hacks to manage your home. When it comes down to going out for a mom’s night out, some mom friends will lead the charge with the best ideas.
Here are different types of mom friends you will befriend at some point in your life –
The Buddy Type
Some moms are adventurers. They would take you out on trips and also help you manage the toddlers throughout the trips. She covers it when you are too busy to catch up on what’s happening around the town.
Such mom friends can also be your wing woman for a road trip or supermarket hauls. Be it kids’ concerts or screaming with emojis on your Instagram feed, these moms help keep your social life social.
The Therapist
These are the mom friends you go to when you need to know more and feel alright. It’s like they know all the answers to your queries. Such moms are great when you want to discuss traumas, struggles, fights with your partner, etc.
They know the right question to ask and help you find the answer. They are the go-to listeners who talk very little, but their little words have more effects on your life.
The Homemaker
This type of mom friend is your lifesaver. They are always around when you need help around the house. Can’t you reach the daycare early to pick up your child?
She’s got your back. Need help preparing for your girl’s birthday? You can ask her. Want someone to take care of your child once they are back from daycare? You can turn to her.
The Enthusiast
The enthusiastic mom knows how to let loose. She loves to celebrate and knows how to get your mood up. If you want a breather after a hard month at work, she knows where to go for fun. She can help you with the best party room rentals if you need suggestions.
She knows the best place for a girl’s night out. Partying hard is what she’s good at. But she’s also a great mom.
Wrapping Up!
If you are an extroverted person, then making mom friends should come naturally to you, but you might have to work a bit harder if you are an introverted person.
Going out of the way to make mom friends usually happens when you are the only one in your friend’s group to have a baby. But if that’s not the case, you won’t have to talk with others to share a similar experience.
If you find this article helpful in making mom friends with other mothers in the area, surely let me know in the comment section.
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