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Subhasree Nag


Subhasree is a content writer who is passionate about traveling, writing, and reading books. In her leisure time, she is seen listening to music and watching web series. Writing along with music and dance are ways in which she expresses herself.

how to clean baby tongue

How To Clean Baby Tongue? Why Should You Take It Seriously?

Have you ever given it thought that your baby might also need oral cleaning? Well, if you have not,...

Vitamin A In Pregnancy
Getting Pregnant

Vitamin A In Pregnancy: How Much is Too Much?

Vitamin A is one of the most important micronutrients for pregnant women and their fetus. It is nee...


Soap Pregnancy Test: Is This a Myth Or Just An Alternative To The Actual Test?

I can think of just two scenarios that can make you want to check whether you are pregnant or not w...

Soap Pregnancy Test

Undigested Milk In Baby Stool: What Are Those White Curd-Like Things?

Well, who knew that poop could mean so many things. Yes, baby poop tells a lot about their health a...

undigested milk in baby stool

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