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Suraj Karmakar


Suraj is a full-stack web developer at Viacon, known for her versatility and creativity. Starting his programming journey in high school, Suraj built a solid foundation in HTML, CSS, php, node, and next. He completed his graduation in BCA, which equipped him with the skills to handle both front-end and back-end development. Suraj is currently focused on enhancing her expertise in DevOps and cloud computing to improve the scalability of the applications he builds.

Cheerleading Uniform For Your Kids Team
Infant & Toddler Gear

How To Design A Cheerleading Uniform For Your Kids Team

Cheerleading is a popular sport for kids and teens, with nearly 4 million participants in the USA i...

Career & Growth

Is Connect 4 Good For Brain Development In Kids? 

Most of us deal with real-world problems to survive, but only a few have proper problem-solving ski...

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