heavy metal detox for kids

Heavy Metal Detox for Kids: Effective Heavy Metal Detox Methods for Kids

What are some good heavy metal detox for kids? 

If your child is dealing with heavy metal toxicity, then the first thing to do is to consider treatment.  

When exposed to harmful metals, your child gradually develops behavioral changes and often has trouble with cognition, learning, etc. Usually, doctors prescribe supplements or suggest detoxification, such as chelation.  

So, what are some common detoxification methods and treatments for treating heavy metal toxicity?  This article should help you find the answer. Keep reading. 

What is Heavy Metal Toxicity?

Yes, we’ll indeed suggest some good heavy metal detox for kids. But first, let’s understand a little about heavy metal toxicity. Heavy metal toxicity in children results from exposure to certain heavy metals like iron, lead, mercury, zinc, and arsenic. 

Heavy metals like iron and zinc are healthy and necessary for children’s bodies. But, once these metals exceed their percentage in the system (taken in large amounts), they can be dangerous for health.  

Heavy metals, when exceeding a limit, can cause behavioral changes and affect learning, cognition, and a child’s behavior. It can affect different limbs and core parts of the child’s body. For example, the brain, liver, and lungs can all be affected by heavy metal intake in excessive amounts. So, what’s the solution? The answer is heavy metal detox.  

What is Heavy Metal Detox?

Children with excessive heavy metals in their system often go through dietary and medical treatment. These medicines and food have substances that help bind those toxic heavy metals and remove them from the body.  

Chelation, as a process, is almost synonymous with heavy metal detox.  

This process is called chelation. However, chelation can be dangerous for health if done wrongly and without proper diagnosis by skilled doctors. Most people call it a heavy metal detox chelation therapy.  

Aside from affecting the functionality of different limbs, heavy metal poisoning can affect blood composition and reduce energy levels in children.  

If your child is suffering from heavy metal poisoning, then you may want to consider heavy metal detox methods for kids. But only after your child’s doctor approves of chelation should you consider heavy metal detox for kids.  

Heavy Metal Detox for Kids: Effective Ways to Detox

Heavy Metal Detox for Kids: Effective Ways to Detox

Heavy metal detox can be good for your child with heavy metal poisoning. We’ve highlighted some ways to detox children with heavy metal poisoning. Only exercise these methods if your doctor recommends a heavy metal detox. 

Follow the tips below for effective heavy metal detoxification – 

Heavy Metal Detox Bath for Kids: With Epsom Salt

Heavy Metal Detox Bath for Kids: With Epsom Salt

A bath is the first and handy way to detox your child. Heavy metal detox baths for kids have an immense effect in helping reduce heavy metal in their bodies. Magnesium is the best detox ingredient, and one common source of that is Epsom salt.  

Epsom salt helps drain the heavy metal in your child’s body into the bath water through their skin. It has sulfate that helps flush out the toxin through reverse osmosis, which happens when the child is soaking in the bath water.  

You can use a quarter or a half cup of Epsom salt in the bathwater. Then, let your child soak in that water to remove the toxin from the body.  

2. Oral and Transdermal Glutathione Supplementation

Oral and Transdermal Glutathione Supplementation

When the child is suffering from mercury poisoning, Glutathione has a significant role in detoxification. Glutathione is often called a master antioxidant, and it readily binds to different heavy metals and helps them out of the body.  

According to studies, ASD patients often have a low level of Glutathione, which causes the heavy metals to stay in children’s bodies. That’s why doctors usually recommend glutathione supplementation to boost plasma glutathione levels in kids with autism. It’s an effective heavy metal detox for kids with autism.  

3. Minerals & Vitamins are the Key

Minerals & Vitamins are the Key

Children with healthy minerals and vitamin deficiencies often deal with heavy metal poisoning. That’s why it’s recommended to replenish the essential vitamins and minerals in your child’s body.  

Incorporate lean meat, poultry, eggs, peas, beans, and lentils in your child’s diet to help boost selenium. This mineral functions as a cofactor (a non-chemical compound), for the enzyme called glutathione peroxidase. This could really help kids with autism to recover from heavy metal toxicity.  

Ensure that your child’s getting enough food rich with zinc. Try food like oysters and zinc supplements as prescribed by the doctors.  

Iron is an essential mineral in your child’s battle with heavy metal poisoning. Iron sufficiency fights with the heavy metals for intestinal assimilation. In short, it helps keep excessive heavy metal outside your child’s body.  

Try giving them beef, beans, tofu, dried fruits, and leafy vegetables. These are rich in iron and help kids detox from heavy metals through diet.  

Doctors may also suggest vitamin B Supplements to decrease lead accumulation in the body tissues. You can also offer food rich in vitamin B.  

4. Probiotics for Heavy Metal Detox

Probiotics for Heavy Metal Detox

There are several studies suggesting that probiotics help reduce heavy metal toxicity. L. plantarum and Lactobacillus rhamnosus, found in probiotics and fermented food, protect children against heavy metal poisoning.  

5. Heavy Metal Detox Diet

Vegetables rich in vitamin C are great options for heavy metal detox.  Usually, leafy green veggies are the best option. Coriander, spinach, and parsley are rich in Vitamin C and help detoxify the human body.  

Many nutritionists also suggest taking garlic and onions, –which are rich in sulfur — to help push lead and arsenic away from the human body. In fact, it’s also good for your child’s health if they are dealing with heavy metals like mercury poisoning.  

Flax and chia seeds contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are extremely helpful for heavy metal toxicity. 

It’ll also help if you provide your child with food that is rich in antioxidants like beta-carotene. For example, carrots, peaches, potatoes, and apricots are some healthy and prosperous food options to reduce heavy metal toxins in your child’s body.  

Try out foods that are rich in amino acids. Amino acid is a natural chelating agent. Kids with many heavy metals in their bodies must try such foods to quickly flush out a considerable amount of toxins from the body.  

Pectin-rich fruits and veggies are also great chelating agents. These foods  efficiently help expel high amounts of lead from the body through urine. In fact, it can help emit 132% of heavy metal through urination.   

Drink Water 

Water is the natural heavy metal detox for kids. In fact, it’s the easiest heavy metal detox. It’s important to drink 3 to 4 liters of water every day. Drinking water makes it easier to detoxify the human body. Plus, dissolved silicon in mineral water helps excrete heavy metals like mercury, lead, and cadmium.  

Avoid Heavy Metal Toxicity: Tips

Avoid Heavy Metal Toxicity Tips

Prevention is always better than cure – it even works for heavy metal toxicity. Reduce the risk by reading your child’s exposure to toxicity. 

Keep the following things in mind – 

  • It’s better to use steel or enameled cast iron rather than using aluminum panels for cooking if you want to keep your child away from heavy metal toxicity.  
  • If you must eat seafood, ensure that your child eats seafood that has low levels of mercury. For example, Alaskan salmon and pole-caught albacore tuna are good examples of low-mercury seafood. On the other hand, skip high mercury seafood such as halibut, Atlantic cod, shark, and swordfish, etc.  
  • Filter both drinking and bathing water. If you want to keep your child safe from arsenic and lead, drink water that’s healthy for the human body.  
  • Conventionally raised poultry chicken is high in arsenic. Instead, consume organic chicken to avoid heavy metal toxicity.  
  • Be it through waterways or air, heavy metal pollution can flow into your house, and you can stop it. As a parent, you can control pollution by being a little mindful. Parents who are working in construction, manufacturing, and similar industries must bathe and clean themselves before contacting their children.  


Heavy metal toxicity is a global issue and has been increasingly affecting children. Increased levels of air and water pollution are causing easy transmission of harmful metals into the human body. However, no matter how difficult the situation gets, as a parent, you should be alert and take the best measures to safeguard your children.  

When it comes to finding the best heavy metal detox for kids, this article should help you.  However, please consult with your doctor and get their approval before trying anything. Thanks for reading. 

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Shahnawaz Alam


Shahnawaz is a dreamer, a living jukebox of rhetoric, music, art, poetry, and comics. Son to a single father, Shahnawaz has always been a keen observer of parenting – more importantly, looking at parenting from different angles. Shahnawaz holds a master's degree in English literature and loves to spend time in nature, admiring its beauty. While he’s not pondering upon the dynamics of parent-children relationships, he lets J. Alfred Prufrock be the piper of Hamelin and often sleepwalks to his monologues.

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