how to deal with child that cries over everything

How to Deal with a Child That Cries over Everything?

How do you deal with a child who cries over everything? 

All children are unique in their own way. Each one of them has their struggle with regulating and expressing their emotions.

If you are dealing with a child who’s overly sensitive or crying all the time, then it’s truly difficult. 

Most of the time, you don’t know the reasons behind their ailment.

This article will help you discover the reasons behind their crying and how to deal with them positively.

Why Does Your Child Cry All the Time?

Why Does Your Child Cry All the Time

Children always don’t know how to express their emotions or their problems. Crying is one option they choose to express some of them (for example, attachment issues or traumas). But there are more reasons behind a child crying. 

Most of those reasons aren’t easy to understand. So, it becomes quite difficult for parents or caregivers to understand them.

But trauma, attachment issues, and other behavioral issues aren’t always the reason. In fact, those are rare issues that can make a child for hours. So why does your child cry all the Time? 

However, here are a few possible reasons why your child might be crying a lot – 

Sensory Processing

Sensory issues are often key reasons why kids cry a lot. Your child’s life can be affected to different degrees due to sensory issues. Sometimes, they are even physically uncomfortable due to sensory issues.

Some children have specific sensory preferences and needs. So, if your child is between 1 and 4 years old, sensory issues can be one of the reasons why they cry a lot.

You can dismiss the crying of your toddlers or babies, considering it a phase that’ll pass. But for some children, crying constantly can be a temperament or personality trait. 

These sensory issues don’t require a diagnosis to figure out whether your child has any. These signs are easy to detect. Some might be annoyed by a certain type of light around them. Some kids don’t like the texture of some clothes. So, when they are annoyed, they cry continuously.

Usually, your child might have visual sensitivity or smell sensory sensitivity if the sensory issues are the reason for them crying a lot.

Sensitive Personality 

If your child is crying all the time over every little thing, they might have a sensitive personality. Some children experience extreme emotions. Their view of the world and everything around us isn’t the same as adults.

So, if they cannot handle anything emotional, they express themselves by crying. Sensitive children can regulate their emotions with a little more time and space. 

This type of issue has come up quite frequently in recent years. Therapists are using the term highly sensitive children for these kids. If you are wondering how to deal with a child who cries over everything, try giving them space.

Yes, your child might use crying as a weapon to get what they want. But, it’s better not to jump the gun and find the root cause behind their crying. So, does your child have a sensitive personality? Figure that out.



If you have a child who’s crying over every little thing, they might be having anxiety. Sometimes, excessive crying can be part of their sensitive personality. But children often have anxiety, and they aren’t always equipped with the right way to express them. So, crying becomes an option.

You might dismiss such crying as your child being sensitive. But is it anxiety that’s making them cry over almost everything? Consult with a child therapist to find the right reasons.

Lack of Sleep

Sometimes, sleep depravity can cause behavioral changes in your child. If your child is crying over every little thing, it might be right to check their sleep schedule. 

No matter how cautious parents are, sometimes children continue to lack the recommended sleep regularly. This continues for a period, leading to changes in their behavioral patterns. As a result, you might often find them crying quite frequently.

Poor Eating

Are you sure your child is getting enough macronutrients, vitamins, and calories? If your child lacks the necessary food, they may find it irritable. To express it, they can often cry. But parents can mistake it if they are already dealing with a peaky eater.

Ensure your kid has enough food and enough of the necessary nutrients.



Excessive crying can come from your child’s frustration. If your child finds it hard to communicate their emotions, they might get frustrated and cry.

When the frustration is brewing up, you can ask your child to use their words. Well, they won’t always use words to express what they are feeling. In fact, it’s good enough if they are using words with a mix of sign languages.

If your child is too upset, it can make matters worse for them. They’ll struggle even more to speak to you using a language. In such cases, you can get help from different visuals. You can try some grounding activities to help your child.

How to Deal with a Child That Cries over Everything

How to Deal with a Child That Cries over Everything 

Does your child frequently have onsets of crying sessions over silly things? If yes, there can be multiple reasons behind it. It’s better to visit your pediatrician rather than self-diagnosing the problem.

But there are different ways to soothe them. It’s great if you understand the underlying reason. You can start with a few signs before they burst into tears.

Are They Stressed?

Just because your child isn’t running behind work deadlines or paying bills doesn’t mean they can’t have stress. As older adults, first, we should stop giving into the assumption that children don’t have stress. They do. Sometimes, they may be overwhelmed with school and their friends, miss homework, or lose a card game to their friends. All things can pile up and cause stress.

As a parent or caregivers, we can take a few things from their schedule and help them focus. Sometimes, prayer or practicing deep breathing also works.

Recommend Rest 

How do you deal with a child who cries over everything? Well, is your child 6 to 12 years old? Children aged between 6 to 12 usually require 9 to 12 hours of sleep at night.

Your child might be tired. This can cause children to cry a lot. In such cases, you can ask them to rest for a few minutes. They’ll pass out before you know it. Sometimes, a few hours of sleep is all your child needs.

Watch out for Their Intakes

Watch out for Their Intakes

Sugar, red dye, or enough screen time can cause your child to let it out through tears often. Things like red dye can make your child do weird activities like rolling or flipping. Some children express their irritation through crying. As a caregiver, take note of their sugar intake or screen time if such behavior occurs.

Recognize Their Emotions

Sometimes, you just must recognize the problem your child is facing. it’s best to validate their emotion When your child loses something as little as a hairclip and starts crying a lot over something similar. 

Teach Them to be Stronger 

While it’s ok to jump to the solution and give your child what they want, sometimes you must teach them to toughen up. Maybe your child isn’t sad. But they are just struggling to express their emotions. In such cases, you should help them deal with their emotions rather than give in to the tears.

Give Them a Goal to Focus On

Give Them a Goal to Focus On

Once you acknowledge the reason behind your child’s tears, could you give them a goal to pursue? You can tell her you’ll get her another hair clip and look for the previous one after a while. They may still struggle to make a choice. If they do, they are moving in the right direction. Try appreciating their effort and praising them to calm down the situation.


Once their tears have dried, try giving your child different ways to deal with their tears. You can help them understand why they are crying. Sometimes, it can be due to sadness, fear, or anger. Please Help your child understand these diverse emotions and how to assign words to them. Once they have a good vocabulary in place of tears, they’ll be better able to restrain. It’s also important for your child to learn about emotional intelligence.

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Shahnawaz Alam


Shahnawaz is a dreamer, a living jukebox of rhetoric, music, art, poetry, and comics. Son to a single father, Shahnawaz has always been a keen observer of parenting – more importantly, looking at parenting from different angles. Shahnawaz holds a master's degree in English literature and loves to spend time in nature, admiring its beauty. While he’s not pondering upon the dynamics of parent-children relationships, he lets J. Alfred Prufrock be the piper of Hamelin and often sleepwalks to his monologues.

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