Irish twins

The Risks And Perks Of Having Irish Twins

Did you have two kids within a span of a year? Then dont be surprised if someone calls them out as Irish twins in the middle of a party. Even if you are not of Irish origin and your babies are not Irish as well. So what is this term?

Years ago, when a mother gave birth to two children within a span of 12 months or less, those babies were called Irish twins. And when the mother gave birth to three babies within this span, they were called Irish triplets. But now, these phrases are mostly redundant and considered outdated.

But we aren’t here to discuss your family planning. We are going to discuss the challenges you might face if you have two babies within a short span, what the advantages are, and what parenting styles you can choose for them. So read along, parents.

Are There Any Challenges Of Having Irish Twins?

There are a lot of risks and challenges that you have to face when your babies are closely spaced. This has a greater chance of impacting your mental and physical health, and not just for the parents but the babies as well.

Are there any challenges of having Irish twins_

You might even face a financial crunch, as you have to take care of both the kids simultaneously. This also keeps the parents from going back to their work for a long time. There are higher divorce rates as well. However, there are different issues in every family, and these factors also vary for every family.

According to a study that was conducted in 2014 on how it impacts children who are closely spaced showed that “Short interpregnancy intervals are associated with a number of adverse outcomes for both mother and child, including increased risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, and preeclampsia, making prevention of short interpregnancy intervals a public health priority in the United States.”

What Are The Advantages?

As we all know, there are known risks of raising two kids who are spaced closely. But, there are some benefits to it as well. In a few families, they plan it in a way that their kids are spaced closely. And they like their kids to grow up together and have an amazing bond.

They believe that this will help in building that bond, and they will keep each other company. This lets them focus on the family more, and they also get to share and reuse many of the baby items, like bottles, clothes, and toys.

What are the advantages irish twins

It also happens that many people choose to have many children but decide to be parents later in their lives. This is when they decide to have kids without keeping a big gap between them.

And then there are couples who just go with the flow and let the pregnancy happen naturally whenever it happens. They do not think that their children would be spaced closely or have a big gap between them. It is up to you whether you want to have kids who are closely spaced or if they will have an age gap. But remember that things do not always happen according to your plans.

Parenting Tips For Irish Twins

Parenting is a challenging task, even more so when you have an infant in your arms and a toddler moving around the entire house. But here are some tips that might help you deal with this strenuous task.

Parenting tips for Irish twins

Ask For Help

Especially when one of your little ones is just an infant and the other one is a toddler, handling them might feel overwhelming from time to time. Do not shy away or be afraid to ask for help. You could even split the household responsibilities or your child’s duties with your partner or someone whom you trust enough to share your baby’s duties with.

Make A Routine

Solid eating and sleeping schedules can turn out to be a lifesaver for your baby and yourself. This helps in keeping things organized. And not just that, this is going to help you plan that much-needed me time that you thought you would miss after being a parent. 

Do Not Compare

Every child has their own pace of growth and development, and that is appropriate for Irish twins as well, who are born with less than a year gap between them. And it is not just about them, you should never compare one child to another. Never expect your children to behave the same way or have the same intellect.

Encourage Individuality

There is a high chance that your Irishtwins would be competitive, so, as a parent, you have to be aware of their individuality. When they grow old, encourage them to indulge in separate activities and get their own hobbies. This way, they get a chance to shine in their own activities and get a break from competing.

Encourage Bonding

Kids who are closely spaced often grow a special bond with each other and have each other’s back no matter what happens. But that depends on how they were treated throughout their childhood. So, encourage them to bond with one another if you see them already having something special between them.

Practice Self-Care

Even if you feel that there is no time left for you to take care of yourself or spend some time on yourself. It is important to take some time out for some self-care. It is important to take care of your physical, social, spiritual, and psychological needs. This will help you feel yourself and, in turn, help you be the best version of yourself for your Irish twins.

It could be your choice to have kids close to one another. Or it might be the result of an unexpected pregnancy. In both cases, when you are not aware of the circumstances and with people who you are not very comfortable with, then you try not to discuss it with them. Do not think of it as a taboo, you might have your own reason behind it. So just be yourself and go with it.


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Subhasree Nag


Subhasree is a content writer who is passionate about traveling, writing, and reading books. In her leisure time, she is seen listening to music and watching web series. Writing along with music and dance are ways in which she expresses herself.

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