Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy – Should I Be Concerned?
The good part of a pregnancy??
Your family, colleagues, and relatives visit you with boxes of sweets. Some people call you up to say congrats. All you can do is humbly smile while hiding the ‘not-so-good part.’ Yes, I am talking about pelvic pain during pregnancy.
After multiple trials, when the conception was finally a success, another marathon started – the marathon race of countless changes inside a woman’s body. Pelvic pain during pregnancy can be terrifying and concerning at times.
So, let’s talk about the ‘not so good part of pregnancy’ so we can SKIP TO THE GOOD PART.
About Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy?

Pelvic pain during pregnancy or pregnancy-related Pelvic Girdle pain (PGP) is a collection of different uncomfortable symptoms. The main reason behind this is the stiffness of the pelvic joints inside the female body. Also, the movement of the joint at the front or the back of the body can be responsible.
The early pregnancy pain areas are mainly around the lower part of the torso or below the abdomen. The pain may be crampy or sharp similar to menstrual pain. Also, it can come and go away, be excruciating and sudden, or dull and constant. The pain occurs due to the shifting of ligaments to accommodate the fetus inside the female body.
Usually, this should not be hazardous to your baby. However, if complications like bleeding arise, you should be concerned. It may supposedly lead to low bleeding pressure.
Causes Behind Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy
Pelvic pain during pregnancy can happen from various disorders that are somehow related to pregnancy, the reproductive system, and other organs as well. Any kind of digestive tract disorder or disorder in the urinary tract can also be the reason behind getting pelvic pain. The ligaments are adjusting to the baby and stretching, along with a change in the hormonal levels, as well as the organs are also shifting. Let’s look into the matter of how this pain can feel and the reason behind it according to the trimesters.
First Trimester
During the first trimester pelvic pain is mostly caused because the body is trying to adjust to the new changes that it is going through. The body is adjusting to itself and is also making space for the baby.
During the beginning, pelvic pain is also common because of digestive issues. And if that is the case, then get prepared for the worst. It is yet to come. As days pass by, the digestive issues worsens, and you might as well get familiar with issues like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
During the initial days, pelvic pain is also caused because of a miscarriage. But there is another reason, which can be pretty serious, and that is ectopic pregnancy. This means that pregnancy has occurred outside the uterus.
Second Trimester
During the second trimester, pelvic pain is mostly caused because of round ligament pain. The round ligaments are the ones supporting the uterus, and during pregnancy, these ligaments stretch themselves to make room for the growing baby.
Round ligament pain feels like a sharp pain around the hip area or the abdominal part, or it can be felt on both the sides. A sudden movement can cause refraction in the ligaments and that is what causes that sharp pain in the pelvic region.
Third Trimester
PGP or pelvic grille pain, popularly called symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) is something very common during late pregnancy but can happen during any trimester as well. The pain can be felt in the pubic bone, mostly at the hip level, on both sides of the lower back region, or in the perineum, which is the area between the anus and the vagina.
This pain has a tendency to spread to the thighs as well. It might also get a clicking or grinding feeling in the pubic region. Be assured that PGP is not something harmful to your baby, but it might cause you great discomfort.
Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy: Symptoms
Another name for this pain is Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction or SPD. You might feel more than one symptom. Simply speaking, PGP or SPD can be painful for women. Here are some of the answers you need to know –
- You will experience this pain over the pubic bones. You can locate the pain at the front of the pelvis in the center. It remains roughly level with your hips.
- The pain can be felt across one or both sides of the lower back.
- You can feel it in the area around your anus and your vagina.
- The pain may spread across your thighs.
- Feeling clicking pain around the pelvic area is another symptom.
Also, the pain worsens when you do certain activities, such as
- Walking.
- Going up or coming down the stairs.
- Standing on one leg.
- Turning over the bed.
- Moving the legs apart.
When To Call The Midwife Or GP! When it is hard to move around. Pain when you try to get out of the car or turn over in the bed. If climbing downstairs seems painful.
How To Relieve Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy?
The most pressing matter at hand now is to treat the PGP. It is hard to cope with the pain. You should get the pain diagnosed as early as possible. This will help keep the pain to the minimum and also, and minimize long-lasting discomfort.
Doctors might refer you to a physiotherapy service specializing in problems related to the obstetric pelvic joint. Physiotherapy can help ease the pain, improve the pelvic joint position, and better muscle function.
You may also get different exercises, such as –
- Exercises for strengthening your pelvic floor, back and hip muscles, stomach, etc.
- You may also need equipment like crutches and pelvic support.
No, pelvic pain during pregnancy does not completely go away– at least not until the baby is born. But, expert practitioners can help reduce the pain to a minimum.
Helping You Cope With Pelvic Pain During Pregnancy
When you get to your physiotherapist, they will usually suggest you use a pelvic belt or support to help you take care of the pain. They will also tell you to plan your day accordingly to reduce the pain.
Some of this advice from the POGP should help.
- Stay active, but to a certain limit not to arouse the pain.
- Also, you should rest when you need.
- It’s ok to ask others for help. It is about time you let your partner, family, or someone around you do the daily activities like chores.
- Wear supportive and flat shoes.
- When you have to get dressed, try doing it when you are seated. Also, when putting on jeans, do not stand on one let. Do it while sitting on the sofa or the couch.
- Keep a plastic bag on the seat; it will help you swive when trying to get down from the car. Also, keep the knees together while getting out of the car.
- How to sleep with pelvic pain during pregnancy? Sleep with a pillow between your legs. Make sure that the position is comfortable.
- When turning over, keep your knees together, and the buttocks squeezed.
- When you have to go upstairs, take one step at a time. That will make it easier.
- When using crutches, use a small backpack to carry all the things.
- Also, try a different position for sex. For example, kneeling on all fours can make it feel easier.
You should also avoid doing a few things. Such as –
- Don’t stand on one leg.
- Don’t bend or twist your legs or carry your baby on one hip.
- Also, try not to cross your legs.
- Sitting twisted or on the floor is also not recommendable.
- Do not lift heavy weights like shopping bags, laundry, etc.
- Also, don’t push heavy things.
Coping Mechanism!
Yes, when dealing with pelvic pain during pregnancy, you will need as much of it as possible. Your physiotherapist can help you with several physical and emotional coping mechanisms. But if the pain intensifies, you should notify the midwife or your GP. they will let you know if you need any additional treatment.
However, if you have any further queries, you can ask them through the comment section. We will reach you as soon as possible.
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