Wet watery discharge sign pregnancy

Wet, Watery Discharge Sign: Pregnancy Or Some Other Complication?

Women get a vaginal discharge, a fluid that comes out of the vagina and is mostly clear or white.The Wet discharge amount depends on whether they are pregnant, or if they are menstruating, or going through the phase of menopause. But normal discharge looks a lot like water, egg whites, or milk. And if there is any change in the consistency of the discharge, then it is mostly an indication of an infection. Well, there are women going all over the internet asking about why they get this watery discharge, or if “wet watery discharge sign pregnancy,” along with the factors that are associated with watery discharge and cramps, which they often experience.

In this article, we are going to explore how this clear, wet, watery discharge is related to pregnancy. And what other conditions and factors lead to this form of discharge. We are also going to discuss the probable reasons that could cause excessive discharge and what are the signs and symptoms that women should look out for when they are pregnant.

Is wet, Watery Discharge A Sign Of Pregnancy?  

Women start having these discharges before they attain puberty, and this continues till the time they reach menopause. When a woman is pregnant, their vaginal wall and cervix become soft. And the vaginal discharge increases as the body prepares itself for pregnancy. This prevents bacteria and viruses from getting into the vagina.

Is wet, watery discharge a sign of pregnancy_

If the vaginal discharge doesn’t increase during pregnancy, there would be a greater risk of getting an infection which could affect the placenta, the womb as well as the baby. Along with that, when a woman goes forward with the pregnancy, they might notice that the discharge is increasing gradually, so much that it can be mistaken as urine.

However, getting a watery discharge does not mean that a woman is pregnant. There are other factors that could be the reason for this wet, watery discharge.

What Are The Other Signs Of Pregnancy?  

What are the other signs of pregnancy_

Watery discharge is not the only thing that could mean that you are pregnant. There are other symptoms as well that you should look out for. The other symptoms and signs that could mean you are pregnant are:

  • A missed period: This is a sign which is most common and indicates pregnancy at the earliest. However, some women have irregular periods, and their cycles are also long, so check for the other signs as well.
  • Spotting: A little bit of spotting is normal during the 4th to 12th week of pregnancy. This could be implantation bleeding as well. When implantation happens, the mucus plug seals the cervix to protect the pregnancy from any kind of infection. But if the bleeding is heavy, that means a woman is menstruating, or there is some serious underlying problem.
  • Nausea: Women who are pregnant have a tendency to get nauseous whenever they travel, just get up in the car, or when they wake up in the morning.
  • Breast tenderness: Few women get breast tenderness during the initial part of their pregnancy, but this is something something women experience during their periods.
  • Fatigue: Fatigue is also a common thing that women experience when they are pregnant. This happens because of the emotional, physical, and hormonal changes that the body goes through during this time. For instance, disrupted sleep, pelvic pain, heartburn, stress, frequent urination as well as low blood pressure are some of the reasons that could cause fatigue.
  • Frequent urination: Pregnant women have a tendency to urinate frequently, and that happens because there is an increased flow of blood in the body. Thus, the kidneys produce more fluid, which then goes to the bladder. During the sixth or eighth week of pregnancy, some woman starts urinating frequently.

Causes Behind The Wet, Watery Discharge  

But if you are not pregnant, there could be other factors that might be responsible for the wet, watery discharge. Those include:

Birth Control Pills  

Birth control pills increase the level of estrogen. This is among the two female hormones that are responsible for keeping the cholesterol in line and for developing the breasts. When the level of estrogen increases, the vaginal discharge also increases.


When a woman ovulates, the vaginal discharge is clear and stretchy as well. But during the other times, the discharge is watery.

Sexual Arousal  

When you are sexually aroused, you may have increased vaginal discharge. This also happens because a gush of blood flushes into the vagina to release the lubricating fluids. Because of that, the watery discharge might even stop when you are done with the sexual activity.


Some women experience watery discharge when they are close to menopause, as they start developing vaginal atrophy. This particular condition causes inflammation, dryness in the vaginal wall, and thinning because of the low estrogen levels. This happens mostly before menopause.

Dietary Change  

Women who eat a lot of soy get a wet, watery discharge, as this increases the estrogen level in the body.

Watery Discharge & Infection  

If you are getting a clear, watery discharge, along with cramps accompanied by an odor and itchiness, that could indicate an infection. If the discharge changes color, that is also an indication of infection.

Infections Include:

  • Bacterial vaginosis: This is a type of infection that happens in the vaginal wall and is a common thing when a woman is pregnant. The discharge is green, grey, or yellow and is accompanied by a fish-like odor.
  • Candida albicans: This is a form of yeast infection, and it produces a lumpy discharge that looks like cottage cheese.
  • Gonorrhea: People who have gonorrhea get a watery, creamy, and slightly green vaginal discharge. A woman could also experience pain during sexual intercourse. They might even have to urinate frequently.

When Should You See A Doctor?  

It is best to consult a doctor if you are worried about the vaginal discharge. Some of the signs are worrisome, and you should not overlook them.

  • Itching and soreness: Thes symptoms can indicate that you have a bacterial or fungal infection. Consulting a doctor is best, as they would be able to decide the course of treatment for you and make sure that they prescribe medicines that are safe when a woman is pregnant.
  • Water breaking: If a woman is around her 37th week of pregnancy and her water breaks, that means that woman is going into labor. But if this happens before the 37th week, it is best to go to a hospital immediately because this is not normal.
  • Heavy bleeding: When a woman is pregnant and is bleeding heavily as they do during menstruation, that generally means that they have lost the pregnancy or there are some serious underlying issues. In this scenario, immediate medical attention is required.
  • A discharge with a strong smell: The natural vaginal discharge has a slight sea-salt and sour smell. If you find that the discharge has a fish-like smell, that could be because of an infection.

Along with that, it is recommended that when a woman is having a pregnancy high-risk check with a professional when they sees these things:

  • When the discharge is clear or watery but experiencing cramps in the lower abdomen.
  • Severe headaches.
  • Dizziness.
  • Blurred vision.  
  • Abnormal bleeding.

So, if you were under the notion that “Wet watery discharge sign pregnancy,” then that is not always the case. There are other possible reasons for this as well.


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Subhasree Nag


Subhasree is a content writer who is passionate about traveling, writing, and reading books. In her leisure time, she is seen listening to music and watching web series. Writing along with music and dance are ways in which she expresses herself.

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