Why we Should Avoid Bananas During Pregnancy

Understanding Why To Should Avoid Bananas During Pregnancy: Key Insights for Expecting Moms

There is no need to explain how difficult pregnancy is. It changes your body, your confidence, and your day-to-day life. It’s important to pick your diet carefully during pregnancy to get the proper nutrition for your own benefit and the baby’s development.  

Talking about nutritious foods, is it safe to eat bananas during pregnancy? Wait, should you avoid bananas during pregnancy? 

If you were wondering why to avoid bananas during pregnancy, you were on the right page. In this article, we have answered all your questions regarding eating bananas during pregnancy, so keep reading. 

Why To Avoid Bananas During Pregnancy

Why To Avoid Bananas During Pregnancy

Yes, bananas are great energy boosters. But when eating them during pregnancy, it’s easy to know about potential side effects women must go through. Here are the side effects or reasons for mom-to-be to avoid bananas during pregnancy.  

Gestational Diabetes 

Women with a high risk of developing diabetes can be at risk by eating bananas. They are absolute sugar bombs that you must avoid during pregnancy if you are prone to developing diabetes. You can try other fruits when you are craving bananas. Black grapes are really good options during pregnancy. Plus, it doesn’t have as much sugar as a banana.  

Latex fruit syndrome 

Why avoid bananas during pregnancy in the third trimester? The reason is latex allergens. Latex allergens cause the body temperature to increase, which is not ideal for the development of the fetus. This makes the fetus more prone to cardiovascular diseases, that’s why it’s better to avoid bananas during pregnancy. 


The Banana has a turbine. This element can cause migraines during pregnancy due to the presence of a high amount of amino acid, which turns into a turbine during pregnancy. It can cause headaches if not treated properly. Migraine during this condition can lead to other complications for would-be moms. 


There is a high content of potassium present in bananas during pregnancy. Potassium is considered beneficial for the fattest and the mother, but it only works in certain quantities. However, if eaten in excess, a high content of potassium can cause hyperkalemia. Potassium is also linked to the operation of the nervous system. Hence, a high intake of potassium can cause heart. 

Decay in teeth 

Did you know that Bananas can cause dents in the teeth during pregnancy? During pregnancy, the tissues around the teeth become loose. This happens due to the changes in the level of hormones during pregnancy. The high start quantity present in bananas can cause Dents in the teeth. 


Bananas have high levels of carbohydrate content. It has sucrose, glucose, and Fructose, all three types of carbohydrates. Tannic acid is also present in bananas and is responsible for constipation. These elements can be harmful to both the fattest and the mother. 


Constipation is not the last adverse effect of pregnancy. Acidity and Acid Reflux are also an issue that is bone out of eating bananas during pregnancy. If you are wondering why you should avoid bananas during pregnancy, then this is one reason you must remember. Also, acidity can cause other complications related to Bowel movement. So, if there is any chance of developing acid reflux, you must avoid bananas. 


Yes, bananas can cause drowsiness due to their high Vitamin B6 content. Vitamin B6 is responsible for promoting the conversion of tryptophan into serotonin. It results in melatonin, which then causes the sleep-weak cycle, so if you eat more bananas, you’re likely to feel drowsy.  

GIT Disorder

If you leave any of the nutrients out of your diet, it can cause damage to your abdominal health. In bananas, there is a good amount of fiber, which is responsible for better digestion. But if you have too much of it through diet, then you can experience different stomach issues like cramping and bloating

If you are wondering why, you should avoid bananas during the third trimester, you can refer to the reasons above.  

Benefits of Eating Bananas During Pregnancy

Benefits of Eating Bananas During Pregnancy

Why to avoid Banana during pregnancy? Well, we’ve explored the troubled waters. Now, let’s explore some of the benefits of eating bananas during pregnancy.  

As you approach the third trimester of your pregnancy, eating bananas becomes more important. Why? You don’t want to miss the potassium available in the Banana. It’s extremely helpful to ease muscle cramps and balance out bodily fluid.  

From helping you with your digestive comfort to balancing the sugar level in your body, bananas are a great food to have. And it’s all thanks to the natural sugar present in bananas. 

Get Relief from Nausea 

Bananas have vitamin B6 content to help pregnant moms with morning sickness and the constant sense of nausea. It’s challenging to deal with morning sickness during pregnancy. Thanks to its Vitamin b6 content, it’s capable of regulating neurotransmitters and balancing the hormones connected to nausea.  

Healthy Energy Source 

Pregnancy can keep you fatigued throughout the day. The change in your hormonal levels and the new life growing inside you make your body crave more energy. Hence the fatigue.  

But, having Banana in your diet will give you a quick boost of energy when you feel fatigued. It has well-balanced natural sugar and carbohydrates that are easy to digest.  

Compared to other sugary snacks, it’s a better food option for moms-to-be. Especially when they are struggling with tiredness caused by pregnancy, Banana is a good option.  

Providing the Digestive Comfort 

Women also have digestive issues during pregnancy. Sometimes, they just wonder whether it’s a gas bubble or their baby kicking inside.  

The pregnancy hormones can cause slow digestion. This leads to constipation, and bananas are also a good source of fiber. This source of fiber also aids in maintaining low bowel movement. This is a healthy food rich in fiber that improves digestion and helps maintain bowel movement.  

It helps in improving the digestive tract and allows pregnant women to experience better digestive health.  

Get the Necessary Nutrients 

Bananas are a great source of the necessary nutrients moms and the fetus need during pregnancy.  

It has a significant amount of potassium and folate, helping in fetal growth. It helps with the bone, brain, and nervous system growth of the baby. Banana, once added to a pregnant mom’s diet it Banana can help them throughout different phases of their pregnancy journey.  

Regulating Blood Pressure 

Maintaining healthy blood pressure is very important during pregnancy. High blood pressure can put your health at risk. But that’s where Banana is a helpful dietary option. It has the necessary amount of potassium to help regulate blood pressure. It can help maintain the fluctuation in blood pressure to reduce issues like hypertension.  

Preventing Acidity 

Acid reflux and heartburn are also typical ailments women face during pregnancy. However, consuming bananas helps put up a preventive natural barrier against gastric acid, thereby providing comfort. If you are struggling with any of these issues, then eating Banana during pregnancy can be a great help.  

Alternatives to Banana During Pregnancy

So, what are the better replacements for bananas to eat during pregnancy? Here are some options that you can try 

Sweet potato

Sweet potato

Although it’s not medically suggested to avoid Banana during pregnancy, you can avoid it if it’s not working for you. Instead, you can try sweet potatoes for the same health benefits. It has a similar amount of Vitamin B6 copper beta carotene fiber and is a great antioxidant. It’s also good for the health of your skin and your bones. 



You can also try out Leaks, which contains folate, vitamin B6, vitamin K, iron, magnesium, calcium, et cetera. it’s a great food for the development of your baby’s bones. In addition, women experiencing morning sickness during pregnancy can try leeks 



You need all the hydration you can get during pregnancy. And there is no better fruit than watermelon to ensure that for you. It contains potassium, and 92% of the fruit is made out of water.  



Pregnant women can also try Pears, which is good for preventing constipation during pregnancy.  

Other options 

It’s also great to try out different seat receipt roots during pregnancy.  

Wrapping Up

It’s generally safe to eat bananas during pregnancy. But it also doesn’t hurt to consult with your doctor about the frequency of eating bananas and how much is too much for your health. When making a dietary change, it’s best to consider different food items based on the nutrition your body needs.  

Hopefully, the answers provided in this article were helpful. Let us know what you think of this article through the comment section below. 

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Shahnawaz Alam


Shahnawaz is a dreamer, a living jukebox of rhetoric, music, art, poetry, and comics. Son to a single father, Shahnawaz has always been a keen observer of parenting – more importantly, looking at parenting from different angles. Shahnawaz holds a master's degree in English literature and loves to spend time in nature, admiring its beauty. While he’s not pondering upon the dynamics of parent-children relationships, he lets J. Alfred Prufrock be the piper of Hamelin and often sleepwalks to his monologues.

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