Am I Pregnant? 15+ Early Pregnancy Symptoms You Must Know
Yes, ultrasounds or even pregnancy tests are your only alternative when it comes to finding out for sure whether you are pregnant or not! But that doesn’t mean your body won’t be giving out the most obvious pregnancy symptoms – in many cases, women don’t even recognize the earliest signs and symptoms.
But then again, you can’t confirm your pregnancy based on a few signs or symptoms. Keeping that in mind, let’s check out all the early symptoms of pregnancy – scroll down now!
Early Pregnancy Symptoms: Are You Pregnant?
Missing your period is not the only indication that you are pregnant. You can miss your periods a thousand times and still not be pregnant. But at the same time, you can be pregnant and still show signs of bleeding. So, without wasting more time, let’s discover the top 15 early pregnancy symptoms!
Scroll down and discover all you have to know in this context.
1. Mild Cramps And Some Spotting:
In the first four weeks, things are technically happening on simple cellular levels inside your body. During this time, women experience implantation bleeding that is often mistaken as a normal, light period. It usually doesn’t occur, but if it does, it happens during your periods. Don’t forget to watch out for cramps!
2. Missed Period:
Once the entire implantation is over, your body will start creating the HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone, directly responsible for maintaining your pregnancy. However, a part of its job is to prevent your ovaries from making eggs, which would automatically result in your missed period.
3. Fatigue:
The thing about Fatigue is it can develop during all levels of your pregnancy. It is one of those signs of pregnancy that can happen at all times. This is because your body will experience higher progesterone levels, making you sleepy during this time.
4. Nausea:
Again, one of the earliest pregnancy symptoms is nausea which can be accompanied by or even without vomiting. Morning sickness is a pretty common sign of pregnancy. But don’t fall for the name – it might be called morning, but it can happen anytime during the day.
5. Aching or Tingling Breasts:
Changes in your breasts usually occur during the fourth and sixth weeks in the early days of your pregnancy. Your body will face several hormonal changes, and it is likely that you will encounter several changes, including changes in your breasts – these might tingle or even ache.
6. Frequent Urination:
During pregnancy, since the amount of blood being pumped inside your body increases, your kidneys naturally end up processing more fluids than what happens under normal circumstances. This, in turn, leads pregnant women to experience an increase in urination.
7. Bloating:
Your body will likely experience several pregnancy symptoms during this time, and bloating is one of those signs. Due to hormonal changes, your digestive system is likely to slow down, which, in turn, can cause bloating, making your pregnancy obvious.
8. Motion Sickness:
Motion sickness is a pretty common problem irrespective of your pregnancy. But if you generally don’t suffer from motion sickness then this could also be one of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy. However, it’s best to consult with your doctor about the same.
9. Mood Swings:
Both your levels of progesterone and estrogen will be quite high inside your body during your pregnancy which in turn can affect your mood severely. As a result, one of the first signs of pregnancy is your constantly fluctuating mood – you will be prone to more emotional displays or even be more reactive than usual.
10. Temperature Changes:
Did you know that a high basal body temperature is a pregnancy symptom? In fact, pregnant women can also face an increase in the core temperature of their body, especially when they work out or even spend time in hot weather conditions.
11. Acne:
There are several reasons why you are experiencing acne during your pregnancy. It could be because your oil glands are working overtime, and although in most cases that results in glowing skin yet, this could also give you some much-dreaded acne. Moreover, if you already suffer from acne bouts, you are more likely to experience the same during your pregnancy.
12. High Blood Pressure:
An increase in blood pressure which is commonly referred to as hypertension might easily fall under the whole ‘ 1-week pregnancy symptoms’ search. This is because hypertension can also have underlying causes, but at the same time, it is also responsible for causing dizziness in pregnant women.
13. Increase In Heart Beat:
During your 8th week of pregnancy or, in some cases, your 10th week, you might start feeling an increase in your heartbeat. Since the blood flow and changes in your hormones increase, your heart is naturally likely to beat faster than usual.
14. Heartburn
Heartburn is another symptom of pregnancy. During pregnancy, women tend to have a higher secretion of progesterone. It results in pregnant women having a slow digestive system.
The lower esophageal sphincter, which is the muscle that connects the esophagus to the stomach, has a more frequent relaxation. So, this makes the acidic gastric juice go back up into the esophagus, causing heartburn.
15. Increase In Weight:
Gaining weight during pregnancy is perhaps the most common sign, which becomes more obvious towards the end of the first trimester. In the initial months following the pregnancy, likely, you might easily gain somewhere between 1 to four pounds – in fact, calorie recommendations are unlikely to change much during this time.
16. Pregnancy Glow:
You might have heard people talking about a certain glow known as the pregnancy glow. There’s some truth to this – remember, your body is working overtime during pregnancy, and so are your oil glands. Naturally, the oil glands also contribute to your glowing skin and, sometimes, unnecessary acne!
Signs & Symptoms During Pregnancy
Some signs and symptoms can also be alarming during pregnancy. If you are facing severe vomiting, vaginal bleeding, stomach pain, etc., it’s best to seek medical attention.
Here are some symptoms you need to keep in mind –
- vaginal bleeding
- Losing normal bodily movement.
- Stomach pain
- Unimaginable pain that doesn’t go away
- Amniotic fluid leakage
- A high temperature of the body
- A vomiting that doesn’t go away
- Blurry visions or weak eyesight
- Itching on skin
- Sudden swelling of the face, feet, and the hands.
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, you should immediately contact your healthcare provider. You can also contact your midwife, obstetrician, GP, maternity hospital, or pharmacist. It’s best to discuss the difficulties with your partner.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Some of the earliest pregnancy symptoms are as follows,
• Swollen or tender breasts,
• Missed periods,
• Vomiting or nausea,
• Increased urination,
• Fatigue, and
• Moodiness.
For a majority of women, it was found that the nipples are specifically more sensitive as compared to the rest of their breasts in the earliest weeks of the pregnancy. In fact, the nipple area can be so swollen that it might hurt you to dry them off after a shower or even put a bra on, for that matter.
The top pregnancy symptoms are as follows,
• Missed Periods,
• Swollen breasts,
• Nausea
• Increased urination, and
• Fatigue.
You can look for the following signs related to your stomach if you are expecting a pregnancy,
• Cramps in the lower abdominal region,
• Constipation,
• Morning sickness or nausea,
• Bloating accompanied by gas, and
• Acid Reflux or indigestion, or even heartburn.
And It’s A Wrap!
Now that you have an answer to questions such as when pregnancy symptoms start or what are the earliest signs of the same, you can be prepared depending on your experiences. However, the best way to find out about your pregnancy is through getting a test done and consulting with a doctor about the same!
Don’t forget to let us know about all the other signs we missed, your pregnancy-related experiences, and your thoughts on the same in the comments below.
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