How Long Were You Nauseous Before Labor

How Long Were You Nauseous Before Labor?

Every list related to pregnancy symptoms and labor signs features nausea. So, if you are pregnant over 38 weeks and have begun to feel sick, it is very tempting to consider that you might just be a day away from giving birth.

Unfortunately, certain women experience nausea right before labor, but there are so many women who feel really sick for various other reasons. And most of these reasons could leave you feeling nauseous for multiple weeks.

But how long were you nauseous before labor? We are here to answer this really-popular question! Stay tuned to find out more.

How Long Were You Nauseous Before Labor? Is It Even A Sign Of Labor?  

How Long Were You Nauseous Before Labor Is It Even A Sign Of Labor

The closer you get to the due date, you will find it really common to think that every single little twinge you have been experiencing is a symptom of labor.

Fortunately, the human body actually tells you that you are about to meet your newborn soon enough. But the thing is, not every single pregnant woman undergoes the same symptoms, and then there are the ones who almost don’t experience any labor symptoms.

So, when you ask how long were you nauseous before labor, you have to understand it might be different from person to person.

What Is Labor?   

What Is Labor

You can characterize labor by a solid succession of uterine contractions that are progressively more intense. These contractions actually cause your cervix to dilate and then efface, helping your newborn to go down the birth canal. Labor is the whole process.

Typically, labor can be thought of as a process expanding over a few hours when a pregnant woman’s contractions turn overpowering, one after the other, and the baby is born.

But this phase of labor is the active phase – early labor actually looks very different than this phase.

Early labor can actually last from 12 to 24 hours – sometimes even longer, simply because a pregnant body is busy doing so much preparation. This includes both cervical effacement and dilation. But here, the signs are relatively more subtle than the same in the case of active labor, when it becomes difficult to focus on anything but getting through those painful contractions.

Early labor symptoms can be subdued, ensuring that certain parents are not even aware that it is actually happening.

So, How Long Were You Nauseous Before Labor?  

If the nausea you are experiencing is a symptom of early labor, then it might stop once your stomach is actually empty.

However, at the same time, you can also throw up or feel sick throughout your delivery.

Sadly, nausea doesn’t indicate that your newborn will make an appearance soon – it can definitely stick around for some time if issues related to hormones or lack of space trigger the same.

Sickness related to any type of medical condition should end up getting resolved with the help of treatment.

How To Treat Nausea And Vomiting During Labor?  

How To Treat Nausea And Vomiting During Labor

It is also pretty common for pregnant women to actually vomit during the active labor phase. In certain cases, the nausea is triggered by hormones or contractions. But at the same time, you can also treat the same as a side effect of all the pain medications you will be taking.

Typically, it is not really an emergency, but at the same time, it can cause you to become dizzy or drowsy – it is definitely not an ideal environment for giving birth.

It is vital to maintain your hydration levels throughout your labor. You can do this by drinking small amounts of water or just sucking on ice lollies and ice chips. Your stomach can easily absorb tiny amounts even when it can feel like you are just bringing it all up.

Additionally, try eating or drinking something so as to keep that energy level up – muesli bars, toast, and yogurt can keep your stomach full while relieving you from nausea.

Diluted pear or apple juice can also boost your health since – it’s not even that acidic in case you cannot handle solid food.

How To Treat Vomiting In The Third Trimester?  

How To Treat Vomiting In The Third Trimester

In case your nausea starts to progress to puking, and you find yourself struggling to keep those fluids down, you need to seek medical help. Typically, dehydration during your pregnancy can keep your levels of amniotic fluids low or even trigger basic pre-term labor – both of these can lead to complications for your newborn.

As a result, it is better to seek medical help. Your doctor can easily prescribe you IV fluids or an antiemetic.

What to Do if You Experience Late Stage Nausea?  

What to Do if You Experience Late Stage Nausea

If you do experience vomiting or nausea during the third trimester, you will already be aware of how to deal with the same. It is that time of your pregnancy when you have to revisit your coping strategies for dealing with morning sickness.

The things you will find helpful are as follows,

  • Eating little but often.
  • Drinking water and staying hydrated.
  • Eating ginger cookies and drinking ginger tea.
  • Peppermint oil aromatherapy.
  • Avoiding spicy, fatty, or acidic food since it could trigger heartburn.
  • Adjusting your different prenatal vitamins.

In case you have already tried everything and still struggling with nausea, then it’s time to meet your doctor. There are only a few anti-sickness medications that can help you during your pregnancy, provided you get the same prescribed from your doctor.

And It’s A Wrap!  

So, now that you know how long were you nauseous before labor, what are your thoughts? If you are already pregnant, then you just have to handle it to your best – just ensure you are consulting with your doctor. But if this helps you to prepare better for pregnancy, then it’s great since you will be mentally prepared to deal with the same.

Feel free to share your thoughts, stories, and experiences related to the same in the comments below.

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