
Overstimulation: How to Deal with Sensory Overload? 7 Tips Therapists Recommend for Instant Healing

Does it suddenly feel like you can no longer take all these feelings and emotions? It’s like you are experiencing sensory overload or something. You are trying too hard, but you just cannot relax and can’t find that kill switch to turn off that buzzing emotion. 
Being busy with work or socializing can be hard when you feel overstimulated. Overstimulation makes you stay on your toes; you feel like you cannot relax. That is why I am here to help. Here, you have different ways to deal with overstimulation. Once you go through this article, you will know how to deal with this and how to heal yourself.

What Does Overstimulation Feel Like

Overstimulation or sensory stimulation brings different feelings to different people. Some people find it hard to adjust to the excessive gatherings. Some find it troubling to withstand traffic. Even bright lights and a particular texture can make some people feel overstimulated. 

They feel the urge to cover their ears and close their eyes. Feeling restless is one of many troubling traumas. Extreme discomfort, panic, and trauma can be some additional reasons.

Reasons for Overstimulation

Also known as sensory overload, overstimulation can happen to adults under different conditions. Here are some reasons that explain why you are experiencing sensory overload –

Mental Health Conditions

People with extreme health conditions can often experience overstimulation. Such mental health conditions can be ADHD, schizophrenia, or autism. These conditions make people more vulnerable to sensitive inputs, and their minds cannot take it when it’s too much. 

External Stimuli 

People with sensory overload respond to specific external stimuli that set them off. Some examples would be loud noise, bright lights, strong smells, and places with too much crowd. 


Staying connected to different types of technologies can cause feelings of being overwhelmed. It helps to stay connected to technological devices, email, video games, and social media 24/7. But it can also be overwhelming. 

Sleep Depravation

Staying on poor nutrition and sleeping less for any reason can set off symptoms of overstimulation. We live in a culture where we’re always overworked or overstressed, which can cause sleep deprivation. It’s essential to see that you are getting enough sleep.

Heal From Overstimulation: 7 Tips By Therapists 

It’s a health condition that requires the attention of a mental health expert. While you can rely on medication and counseling, you can try a few tips to make it easier for yourself for the time being. Here are seven different tips for dealing with overstimulation.

1. Deep Breaths 

Deep Breaths

Do you know why cliche advice is cliche? Because, most of the time, they help. When you feel overstimulated, you should start by taking a deep breath. There is a secret to why it works. When you take a deep breath, your body takes in more oxygen,  helping you slow the heart rate. This allows you to focus your mind on a different topic.

You don’t believe me yet? Ok, first try sitting up straight. Close your eyes. Then, take a deep breath with your nose. Once you follow this a few times, I am sure you will find some relief. 

2. Talk To Someone; It Helps 

Talk to counselor

Talking can be a way of releasing tension that is bothering you inside your mind. When you feel a sense of unrest, it will help if you try to talk to someone. It could be your friend, family, therapist, or counselor. 

Once you open up to them, it will help you put things into perspective. OVerstimulation may still keep daunting you. But, it will become comparatively easier once you talk things over. Maybe the person you are talking to had the same experience as you. Read a story of a celebrity with the same symptoms, or ask someone who will listen to you. 

Do you want to know how to start? How about beginning like this – I get overwhelmed so easily.

3. Take Notes; Write Them Down 

An active listener is the best solution at any time. But, sometimes, we only have our pillow to tell our story to. Are you sure about that? Having only your pillow to listen to your story? No, you also have paper and a pen. 

Once you write down the swarming thoughts that sound like a scratch on a metal surface, you can put them into order. Once you have your thoughts written on paper, you can read yourself and understand what is causing this sudden stir in your emotions. You can also find out ways to improve them. 

Do you have trouble writing? Fine, you can just speak them to yourself. “I am alright,” “I am safe .”These are some words you can say to yourself. Repeating these words can help you settle down. 

4. It’s Time To Put The Phone Down 

It's Time To Put The Phone Down 

In today’s time, we are overexposed to the world of technology. No matter what we do, we are constantly alert to social media notifications, emails, phone calls, and whatnot. Does your mind get any rest? Staying in contact with technology can be the cause of overstimulation anxiety leading to insomnia and depression. 

If you care for my advice, I will suggest taking some time off from the world of technology. Go out and stroll around the park with naked feet. Take a day off and enjoy the rain sitting beside your favorite window. You know what, why don’t you call your best friend over for an afternoon picnic?

5. Flex Your Muscles 

Flex Your Muscles 

Your mind is a part of your muscles. A lot of you may not believe this, but I do. Working out can help you improve your mental condition. When you let your body flex and relax, your mind will get its benefits.

Try doing some yoga poses and gentle stretches. If you love dancing, no one should stop you. A little cycling break can also help. Besides, it is finally the perfect time to finally get that gym subscription.

6. Your Time Is Your Time 

Give yourself time

I know you are really busy, but nothing should be more important to you than yourself. You should allow yourself some time for a change. Give yourself time; it is yours, and you should spend it on yourself. 

Doing something that makes you happy can help you get relief from overstimulation. If you keep spending all of your time at work and other activities, it will leave you feeling stressed and overstimulated. The feeling of unrest will sit on your chest like a ghost. That is why giving yourself some time and doing something you love is essential.

7. Learn To Create Your Quiet Space 

Create Your Quiet Space 

A quick escape to the cloud-cuckoo-land. When overstimulation hits, it can help if you find a small escape. Listening to songs or reading a short story is a therapy that helps many. You need to find that temporary kill switch and turn things off around you. 

But is it possible to do it in a room full of people with no way to escape? Well, I can help you with some excuses. Tell them that you forgot to lock your car, or maybe you left your phone inside. Get out in an empty place, look around yourself, and calm down. You can do it. 

Final Thoughts 

If the symptoms are too hard to bear, you should always seek help from a professional. You can get help from psychologists, and professional therapists can help you diagnose the condition and find stability. They use different methods like cognitive behavioral therapy to help treat the condition and provide comfort. 

However, for now, you can use the tips I have offered here.

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Shahnawaz Alam


Shahnawaz is a dreamer, a living jukebox of rhetoric, music, art, poetry, and comics. Son to a single father, Shahnawaz has always been a keen observer of parenting – more importantly, looking at parenting from different angles. Shahnawaz holds a master's degree in English literature and loves to spend time in nature, admiring its beauty. While he’s not pondering upon the dynamics of parent-children relationships, he lets J. Alfred Prufrock be the piper of Hamelin and often sleepwalks to his monologues.

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