Why Learning Towers Are Important: Benefits For Kids’ Development
Today, children can play with many types of toys and engage in various games and activities. However, caring parents always want their children to learn and develop while playing. That’s when such toys as Montessori or Pikler items come in handy. Learning tower are one such toy. Keep reading the article to learn how it works.
What Are Montessori Learning Towers?
The learning tower (or a step-up tower, Montessori learning or kitchen helper stool, or everything tower) is a piece of furniture that allows your child to stand higher, reach a sink or kitchen counter, or climb to view a dining table securely.
You’ve undoubtedly already observed your toddler’s fascination with what you’re cooking for everyday meals or how confidently they grip the toothbrush to wash their teeth but can’t reach the sink. That’s when a Montessori learning tower might come in handy.
It provides a secure environment for the children to explore and participate in various household tasks. These tasks may include helping you wash the dishes, cook, take care of personal hygiene, etc. Many parents utilize this toy when their kids learn to stand, walk, and climb. That’s when their curiosity grows even more, and they want to see what you’re doing and repeat after you.
The learning towers allow you to complete some of your responsibilities while your baby securely engages in a compelling activity because they can climb up and down independently. You don’t have to hold the child, help reach something, etc.
Still, it’s preferable to only leave the child alone in the room if you’re positive that you hid all dangerous items.
Reasons To Buy Learning Towers
There are many valid reasons to buy learning towers for toddlers. Still, keep in mind that it’s best to offer access to the toy only when you are around or are 100% positive the child is safe and has no access to dangerous items. Thus, here are some of the reasons to buy this toy:
- Safety while growing and learning. The child won’t fall off the height since the learning tower has protection.
- Better focus and no distractions. Instead of trying to balance oneself, the child focuses solely on the task, toys, etc.
- Learning towers provide easy access to toys and activities. The world is so big, while kids are so small. A learning tower offers access to various activities, objects, toys, etc. Thus, the child learns how to interact with more objects early on. Moreover, the kid has more control rather than waiting for the parent to come by and help. Still, parents should take away all dangerous objects or items that could injure the toddler.
- More rest for parents since they no longer need to carry or hold children while they are busy completing their important tasks.
Some More Reasons
- Learning how to complete important everyday errands. A very important part of how to interact with the world is understanding that food is a product of cooking, a clean house is a part of cleaning, etc. Thus, the child better understands in the future that it’s critical to complete these tasks to take care of oneself. A learning board can help you teach your child to take care of oneself in years to come.
- Learning about tastes, senses, smells, etc. While you’re cooking, your child gets to taste, touch, and smell different products! It’s a fun experience for children since it’s their first time.
- A sense of freedom. Even though children want to seem grown up when they are around ten years old, some of them love the freedom of choice that these boards offer.
Overall, learning towers offer more space to interact with this new and exciting world. The child wants to learn about everything, and a learning board is one way of offering access to everything they need.
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