15 Month Old Sleep Schedule

15 Month Old Sleep Schedule: Easily Battle Through Nap Times & Wake Windows

After childbirth, a new mom’s life goes through changes. But when the baby’s around 15 months old, they start settling down to specific schedules, especially with sleep.  

There are only one or two daytime naps, and midnights are less alarming than they used to be.  

But it’s still a transition phase.  

Your baby is still going through some changes, requiring lots of getting used to.  

But thanks to this article, you’ll know how to help your baby have enough sleep throughout the day. In fact, you will have better control over your own life.  

15 Month Old Sleep Schedule: Things a Mom Should Know

Things a Mom Should Know 

Most babies have unique sleeping patterns.  

However, 15-month-olds are in the transition phase, sticking to one or multiple sleep windows.  

Some can take two naps a day, while others can take a single nap.  

A 15-month-old baby taking only one nap can stay awake for 4 to 5 hours a day daily. 

On the other hand, a baby with two naps a day can stay awake for 3 to 4 hours.  

However, these are more average examples of how babies take their nap time.  

Most babies follow these two typical sleep patterns. They can either take two naps with a wake window in the middle or settle for a long nap. You can create a sleep schedule based on these patterns. But there’s a better way.  

Instead of focusing on a sleep schedule, keep tabs on their wake windows and when they give sleepy cues.  

Usually, moving your child’s lunch a little early every day can help them transition faster. This way, they’ll fall asleep from 12:30 to 1:00 p.m 

During this time, your little one will usually need one nap a day. It’s also fine if they end up taking two naps a day as well. Here’s how you can help them get into a better sleep habit

Maintain a Consistent Sleep Routine

No, not all babies will have the same sleep routine. They will experience different developmental changes, and that will affect their sleep routine.  

Falling Asleep

It’s often difficult to help your baby fall asleep without feeding them first. For a baby aged 15th months or older, start reducing the amount you feed them before helping them fall asleep if you have a few minutes for one to two nights. The first few nights will be difficult for them to fall asleep. But eventually, they’ll eventually fall asleep. 

Sleep Duration

Toddlers aged between 12 to 15 months usually sleep for 12 to 14 hours a day. But if they are sleeping too much and still feel sleepy during the day, it’s best to talk to a healthcare provider. Usually, the more sleep a toddler gets, the easier it becomes for them to fall asleep. However, lack of sleep can make them overactive and make it difficult for them to fall asleep.  

Night Waking

Night waking of babies usually happens due to discomfort. If they learn to fall asleep independently, it’ll be easier to have them sleep throughout the night. It helps to keep the same environment as the bedtime consistent throughout the night. Keep all the things that bring comfort to them while sleeping. It can be a stuffed animal or a favorite blanket of your baby.  


Your toddler might wake up a lot at night. Around the age of 12 to 15 months, they are learning different skills. This developmental stage might cause sleep disturbances from time to time. But that’s ok. It’s best to keep a consistent sleep schedule for the baby to support their development.  

But, is it the same for all babies? No, not always. Here’s an example — 

15 Month Old’s Sleepy Cues & Wake Windows

15 Month Old’s Sleepy Cues & Wake Windows

Your little one has a wake window and a nap time, which they use as per their needs. Here’s how to understand both –  

15-Month-Old Wake Windows:

Your baby’s wake window is usually the interval between their nap time. Smaller babies have shorter wake windows. As they grow older, they start having longer sleep time. Toddlers start having longer wake windows, which continues to grow with their growth.  

Sleepy Cues:

These are signs of your toddler demanding their much-needed sleep. You will see your baby yawn and rub their eyes when they need sleep. 

Sleep Schedule & Optimum Development  

learning about your little one’s sleep time and waking windows. Parents can use this learning to understand their baby’s sleep behaviors. It becomes easier for parents to put their babies to sleep and improve their optimal development.  

These are two typical sleep schedules for a 15 month old toddler. At 15 months, your baby might take 1 or 2 naps. A toddler taking one nap usually stays awake for 4 to 5 hours.  

How Long Should a 15th-Month-Old Nap?

Your 15-month-old might sleep once or twice during the daytime. But, despite the frequency of naps, their average sleep time should be close to 2 to 3 hours during the daytime. It depends on how you optimize your baby’s nap during the daytime.  

15 Month Old Sleep Schedule with Two Naps

15 Month Old Sleep Schedule with Two Naps

Your little one might have different sets of sleep. For some 15-month-olds, one long nap of two hours followed by another 30 to 40 minutes works just fine. However, some babies might need two naps, and each of them might be 1.5 hours long.  

However, how naps work for your baby is totally up to them. But there are a few things you can ensure as a parent.  

First, ensure that one of those naps is longer than 1 hour.  

Second, ensure that none of those naps exceed the point of two hours.  

This ensures that your baby has enough daytime sleep while also protecting the nighttime sleep.  

15 month old sleep schedule with two naps  
Wake up  7:00 AM 
1st Nap  10:15 – 11:30 AM (1h 15 m) 
2nd Nap 3: 15 – 4: 15 PM (1h)  
Bedtime Routine 7: 45 PM 
Good Night Sleep  8: 15 PM 

15-Month Sleep Schedule of 15-Month-Olds with One Nap

15-Month Sleep Schedule of 15-Month-Olds with One Nap

Well, daytime sleep is necessary for your 15 month old baby. But, if it exceeds 3 hours, it’ll cut short the baby’s nighttime sleep.  

Thanks to 2 to 3 hours of daytime sleep, the nighttime sleep gets preserved, giving you peace of mind and sound sleep at night as well. 

15 month old sleep schedule with one nap 
Wake up  7:00 AM 
1st Nap  12: 00 – 2:30 PM (2h 30m) 
Bedtime Routine 7: 30 PM 
Good Night Sleep  8: 30 PM 

15 Month Old Sleep Regression: Is There Any Sleep Regression?

15 Month Old Sleep Regression Is There Any Sleep Regression

No, there’s no 15 month old sleep regression for kids. However, there is an 18-month-old sleep regression if you were unaware of it. Sometimes, a 15 month old baby can experience the early onset of sleep regression.  

Why is My 15 Month Old Baby Waking up at Night?

Why is My 15 Month Old Baby Waking up at Night?

15 month olds can have sleep regression. Or, there might be some other things ailing them. Here are few reasons why the baby is waking up in the middle of the night – 

The Baby Might Be Overtired 

Your baby might be overtired when a nap gets dropped before, they are fully ready; it might be difficult for them to fall asleep. So, when they transition into sleep mode, it’s best to reduce the wake window to let them recuperate their strength.  

Not Tired Enough 

When your baby reaches the lower end of the age-appropriate wake window, you should add a little more time to their wake window.  Such a gradual increase in their wake window will prevent them from being overtired as they try to understand the sleep time now best for them.  

They are Ready to Transition into One Nap a Day 

As your child grows older, the wake time starts to increase. So, if he wakes up at night, he might get plenty of sleep during the daytime. It might be the time for them to switch to a single nap time a day.  

Change in the Sleep Environment 

The sleep environment may need adjustment. If your baby wakes up at night, try changing the environment around. For example, try using a sound machine; make sure that the room is dark and has no stimulating light or noise. You can also try changing their clothing before they fall asleep. Your baby will sleep better if they are dressed for sleep.  

Separation Anxiety 

Frequent waking up at night can occur because of separation anxiety. Sometimes, your child shows a strong preference for one caregiver during bedtime. Their absence can cause separation anxiety. The best way to tackle it is through practicing intentional separation during the daytime. You can also try playing peek-a-boo to help ease separation during sleep time.  

How to Cope with a Child’s Sleep Regression?

How to Cope with a Child’s Sleep Regression?

Don’t worry. If your 18-month-old baby is having sleep regression, there are different ways to cope with it

It’s difficult if your 18-month-old has sleep regression. But one way to cope with it is by extending your bedtime routines. It is great training to prepare your little one for sleepy time.  

Extended Bedtime  

The extended bedtime routine gives your child the calm moment before they finally go to sleep. Get your baby this time to relax and transition into the sleep mindset. 

When your little one wakes up frequently at night, chances are they are having trouble with sleep regression. Try reading another story to them or spend some quiet drawing time with your baby so that they can fall asleep.  


Your baby can battle sleep regression themselves. When they wake up in the middle of the night, they wait for themselves to be soothed. If you have sleep-coached your baby, they’ll soothe themselves and go to sleep again.  

This is a way to train your baby to sleep for a long time throughout the night. When your baby knows self-soothing, they can fall asleep without waking you up for assistance.  

Stuffed Animals 

It’s a solution. But you might want to wait it out unless your baby is older than 12 months. Since sleep regression happens when your baby is at least 18 months old, you can try this option.  

You can give your 15-month-old toddler a comfort tool to help them sleep better. It can be a stuffed animal, pillows, or similar comfort objects. Sometimes, having a comfort object around can help your child stay calm and settled when they wake up in the middle of the night.  

Final Words

15-month-olds aren’t anywhere near easy to soothe when sleeping. But, compared to their early days after birth, moms can easily comfort them till they are ready for a nap. A 15-month-old’s sleep schedule is sometimes difficult to understand and adjust, depending on their unique needs. However, the information shared through this article should help if you are looking for something similar.  

While separation anxiety might wake them up sometimes, with practice, they will learn to cope with it.

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Shahnawaz Alam


Shahnawaz is a dreamer, a living jukebox of rhetoric, music, art, poetry, and comics. Son to a single father, Shahnawaz has always been a keen observer of parenting – more importantly, looking at parenting from different angles. Shahnawaz holds a master's degree in English literature and loves to spend time in nature, admiring its beauty. While he’s not pondering upon the dynamics of parent-children relationships, he lets J. Alfred Prufrock be the piper of Hamelin and often sleepwalks to his monologues.

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