My Toddler has a Fever But no Other Symptoms: Should I Worry?
It isn’t easy to be a parent.
Especially during nights when your toddler’s body is alarmingly burning up and you don’t know what to do. So, you picked up the phone and dialed the emergency room, asking –
‘My toddler has a fever but no other symptoms, what should I do?’
Firstly, don’t stay concerned and lose sleep. Next, get prompt medical treatment and consultation from the pediatrician. But know that fevers, in most cases, aren’t something to worry about.
Think of reasons why your child has a fever. Did your toddler catch a cold? Was it any germ that went through the food? Is it a viral infection?
Don’t put yourself in a tough spot asking all these questions.
My Toddler has a Fever but no other Symptoms…
It is common for your preschool toddlers to have a fever. Usually, it should get better within five days. But, if it’s a child under six months, get help from a pediatrician as soon as possible.
In most cases, these fevers are caused by viruses. You must also provide antibiotics to your child when the fever is viral. Unless the healthcare provider suggests, refrain from doing self-medication. When it’s a viral fever, antibiotics won’t treat it. In fact, taking antibiotics when they aren’t necessary can cause other side effects.
Also, when giving them medicine, don’t forget to read the leaflets provided with the medicine. There was a new instruction for giving dozes of paracetamols to children. So, if you must provide them with paracetamol, don’t forget to read the dozes first.
Also, if your child is allergic to ibuprofen, don’t give it to them. There were cases when ibuprofen caused asthma attacks in children.
But should you see a GP now? Here’s when you must see a GP –
- When the child shows symptoms of other dangerous diseases.
- Has the fever lasted for more than 24 hours with symptoms of some infection? These signs can be a runny nose, sore throat, cough, or earache.
- When the fever lasts for more than 5 days.
- Do consult a GP if your toddler’s health condition is worsening.
Unexplained Fevers: What You Should Worry About
When your toddler’s fever is above 101 Fahrenheit and has stayed for more than 8 days, it is unexplained. This can happen even after the health care provider checks them and lab tests are done.
You must consult with pediatric infectious disease specialists to understand the nature of the fever. They can help understand a potential reason that’s causing this fever.
Causes of Fever in Children
The first reason for fever in toddlers is the virus. Viral infections can cause fever, and it doesn’t go away with antibiotics. The next reason is a bacterial infection.
Note that fever isn’t a disease. It’s your toddler’s immune system fighting with the infection that’s affecting their body. It’s a good sign showing that their body is fighting the viruses and the bacteria and stopping them from replicating in your toddler’s body.
Due to the chemical reaction between the viruses and the bacteria, the body temperature spikes up. It’s an effective way of seeing what’s happening with your toddler’s body.
But if your child is aged between 3 to 6 months, fever can be concerning. So, consult with a doctor under such circumstances. But fever in children doesn’t always mean something alarming or bad. You don’t need to be on your toes if you wake up with your toddler having a 100-degree temperature.
Below are a few reasons why you shouldn’t worry –
Fever in Children: Things Not to Worry About
Fever is a symptom that appears when the body is struggling with a virus or a germ. Here are a few reasons you shouldn’t worry when your little one has a fever. –
1. Fever isn’t the Danger
Don’t be surprised when reading this: Fever isn’t bad
Fever is the defense mechanism of your child’s body doing the work. It’s an indicator that the kid’s immune system is working.
When you take that thermometer out from the fast aid box and use it on your child, you might see a spike in temperature. It can be well above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. If that’s the case, then it’s not a thing to worry about.
Surely, they’ll need treatment. But fever means the fight is on, and your kid’s running to the winning side.
It’s a common reaction of your child’s body when there’s some type of infection your child is dealing with. It also happens when your child has taken a vaccination or gone through a procedure like anesthesia.
2. A 104 Degree Fever Shouldn’t Worry You
We are talking about the late-night calls when your kid is burning up, and the thermometer shows a 104-degree fever. Should it worry you? Do you have to call the emergency department and ask if you need to bring your child?
Does high fever mean you must check your child’s infection right now? Your child may not necessarily need medical assistance right away. Fevers usually spike higher at night. Also, it’s common for a few viruses to cause higher temperatures than other times.
3. You Don’t Always Need a Pill
Sometimes, children might be talkative and strong even with a fever of 104 degrees. But some of them can also get weak from a 100-degree fever. So, if you want to give them fever-reducing medicine, wait it out. Don’t be a doctor yourself; talk to the pediatrician instead.
But if they look uncomfortable and feel extremely drained due to fever, you can give them the right dose of Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Motrin(ibuprofen). If you are doubtful, call your pediatrician and ask for the best dose for your kid.
However, if you wonder if their brain will freeze and burn up, it won’t. Don’t worry. If the pediatrician suggests not giving medicine and letting the fever run its course, you should trust them.
4. High Fever Doesn’t Cause Seizures
My toddler has a fever but no other symptoms. Will it damage their brain? Can high fever cause Seizures?
It’s common to have trauma as a parent. Especially if you know the terms like febrile seizures. If your child’s body temperature spikes too quickly, chances are that it’s a febrile seizure.
Yes, it’s terrifying to watch these seizures. But don’t worry. It only lasts for a few minutes. They are also very harmless. Most importantly, febrile seizures don’t fry your child’s brain.
5. Your Toddler Doesn’t Have Fever Because of Teething
Here’s another myth that needs bursting. If your toddlers are growing their first pair of teeth, their body temperature will go up. This also happens when they are growing many teeth at the same time.
While it’s common for your toddler’s body temperature to go up, a full-scale fever isn’t always the case. They can experience a fever of 100 degrees or lower than that due to inflammation during teething.
Now, if it’s not the fever, why is it the high body temperature? Well, here’s the explanation –
The teething process hurts your baby’s mouth. So, they put their fingers and their hands in their mouth for self-soothing. While sucking on their fingers, your toddler will start to bring in germs inside their body. These germs cause a rise in temperature rise. But that’s usually not fever.
When to Worry!
Yes, there’s no need to worry about the fever being terrifying if the symptoms are as above. But there are certain conditions you must stay mindful of. For example, when your toddler is three months old or younger than three months. In such cases, you need to think of medication. Plus, you must do so by consulting a pediatrician.
Also, if this fever becomes frequent, see a doctor and have the reason diagnosed. When it is above 102 degrees, and the fever stays for more than two days, talk to the emergency room. Hopefully, this article helped. Share your feedback in the comments. Thank you for reading.
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