Baby Sucking On Hand? Should You Be Worried?
Baby sucking on hands is quite common. It is their natural reflex that starts from before their birth. As a first-time parent, you might wonder whether this is normal. However, it is. Let’s go through the process of baby sucking on hand and how to manage it!
Babies sucking on their hands, fingers, and their entire hand is normal. It is relaxing and soothing for them. It makes them feel secure. However, this is not the only explanation. There are various other reasons why your baby is sucking on their hand.
I am not saying that you have to be worried about it! But you also need to be careful and check the pattern so that you take care if need be.
Baby Sucking On Hand: What Are The Probable Reasons?
Well, there could be various possible reasons why a baby is sucking on their hand. You have to bring your inner Miss Marple to work. You must consider various factors, like how old they are and the developmental phase they are currently in.
Baby sucking on hand? Here are the probable reasons mentioned.
They are hungry
When your baby is still in the newborn phase, they might be trying to inform you that they are hungry. Well, every time they suck on the nipple or a bottle, they get food. So, sucking has become their instinct. They are trying to tell you it is time for you to feed them.
Well, most of the time, a baby tries to indicate hunger and involves some activities with their mouth. When a baby is hungry, they often smack their lips or open and close their mouth to show you it is feeding time.
They are trying to self-soothe
Baby sucking on thumb after feeding? Well, there are often situations when you have just fed your baby, and you are sure they are full and still chewing on their hands. Babies usually fall asleep on bottles or breasts.
So, this is also a reflex. Sucking on something relaxes them and helps them to fall asleep. This can continue till your baby is 7 to 8 months of age. It calms them down. If you find your baby sucking on their hands when meeting someone new, understand they are coping with stress.
Most babies start teething when they are between 4-7 months old. However, there are also cases of late teething. Most parents do not consider this as one of the reasons behind their baby sucking on their hand, but this could be the reason.
Their gums start to hurt when teething, and rubbing their teeth against something relaxes those sore spots. If you notice your baby drooling or fidgeting with their hands and mouth more than usual, then understand that teething is why. However, this is not a fun phase.
They have found their hand
If your baby is sucking their hand or your baby chewing on hands, it could be because they have found their hands. This is a visual-motor skill. Once your baby has discovered their hand, it becomes their new favorite thing to play with. It is kind of a self-exploration thing that they keep on trying. They are just figuring that these hands belong to them and they can control it. This is also a sign of development. So, be careful that they will learn to use their hands soon and put things in their mouth.
They are bored
Newborns generally spend all their time crying, sleeping, eating and pooping. However, when they stay awake a little more daily, they feel another emotion: boredom.
It is good that you are letting your baby be on their own while keeping an eye on them. Initially, they might enjoy their time playing on their own, but after a while, they will get tired of hanging out alone. This is when they start sucking on their hand and gives you a hint.
Transition to Sleep
When babies are trying to sleep on their own, they might need some help. If your baby is not using a dummy or a pacifier, they will search for alternatives like sucking on their fingers and hands.
If they suck on their hands while looking for comfort, then it is time that you change their traditional swaddle and instead use a swaddle up. These are unique because the baby has access to their hands, but it also keeps the baby cozy for sleep.
Risks Related To Baby Eating Hands
Generally, a baby sucking on their hand is not considered risky or a bad thing. However, there are a few things that you have to take care of if your baby sucks on their hands and fingers.
- Always keep their hands clean.
- Keep the surroundings clean, and do not keep any small objects around them.
- Make sure that they are not in pain or stress.
If this hand-sucking habit continues beyond the age of 4 years, then it could pose a risk to oral development. There are other risks associated with this as well. This can cause calluses, and the nail can be deformed. Or the skin might get infected around that area.
This might even move the front teeth out of alignment and create a gap between the bottom and top teeth. If this hand sucking continues for a long time, it might cause dental deformities that might need surgery.
How To Deal With Baby Sucking On Hand?
How to stop thumb sucking? Well, there is nothing you can do except feed them if they are hungry. This is a natural instinct, and there is nothing wrong with it. This is their way of communicating with you.
So, try to understand what they are trying to tell you and respond accordingly.
- If your baby has recently found their hand, it is only natural they will move to the next developmental stage soon. And that is using their hands and grabbing anything nearby. So, start babyproofing the apartment now in this stage. Moreover, it is the best time to introduce them to sensory toys.
- If the reason behind the hand sucking is teething pain, then get them a frozen feeder, teething toy, or cold washcloth. However, if this bothers them and they cannot sleep, you can consult the doctor and give them over-the-counter medicine.
- If your baby is sucking on their hand out of boredom or to self-soothe them, there is nothing to worry about. Try to figure out the actual reason. Is it because they are overstimulated? Is it causing them discomfort to sleep alone?
Tips to help your child stop finger sucking
If your child is continuously sucking their finger, there is a chance that it might cause some complications, then here are some tips which you can try to stop them from sucking their fingers.
- Positive reinforcement: Encourage your child to stop finger-sucking, and when they do reward them for that with some extra playtime or their favorite snacks.
- Find them other soothing skills or coping mechanisms: Help them deal with their anxiety with some other soothing skills and coping mechanisms. Give them some plush toys, or a pillow to squeeze in times of distress.
- Consistency: Keep reminding them to stop sucking their fingers.
- Consult a pediatrician or child dentist: If you cannot make your child stop finger-stopping, then take them to a doctor. It is going to get them positive results than if you discuss it with them.
- Do not criticize or scold them: Do not scold them or put some extra pressure on them to come out of this habit. This can cause them more stress and they might even start to suck their fingers even more.
If they are still not stopping, then try some devices like a glove, a mouth guard, or a bad-tasting finger polish. However, it is better to discuss this with your pediatrician first.
When Do Babies Stop Sucking Their Hand?
Babies go from one phase to another quickly and through developmental leaps as well. So, in no time, they will also get over this phase. They will soon focus on something else and put their attention there.
Moreover, when they learn to speak and their language develops, they communicate their needs and feelings through gestures and words. Or if they are sucking on their hand just for fun, they will grow out of it as well by the time they are 4 years of age.
When Should You Be Worried?
If your baby is in preschool and has not stopped thumb-sucking yet, it could be a matter of concern. If they are already 4 years old and continuing their old habit, consult their pediatrician. There can be several complications if they do not stop at that age. It can cause:
- A tongue thrust pattern or swallow pattern for speech, and this includes a frontal lisp.
- There is a chance of abnormal tongue resting posture.
- It can weaken their tongue strength.
- It might get difficult for them to lift their tongue and move it. This reduces motion and can also impact feeding and speech.
- There is also a possibility for an open bite, and this can disrupt their speech, chewing and biting.
Before that, there is no need to force them to stop. However, keep track of their oral development when they get to that age. Moreover, if you think they are doing it when they are hungry and doing it often, you should also contact your gynecologist once.
They might not be getting enough breast milk as you think. This is why they might be hungry all the time. Or it could be a sucking reflex as well. Whatever it might be, you should consult a doctor in these cases.
Wrapping Up!
I understand getting hold of all these things in your first time is difficult. However, in just a few days, you get accustomed to these things, like your baby sucking on hand. You start noticing the difference between the patterns and can figure out why.
No matter what the reason is, this is nothing unusual. They portray this habit mainly in the first few months and then grow out of it with time.
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