Difference Between Single And Twin Pregnancy Symptoms

Know The Difference Between Single And Twin Pregnancy Symptoms

For a first-time mom, pregnancy could be a very exciting time, but what if you get that excitement in double? Yes, I am talking about twin pregnancy. The journey and experience could be slightly different for a mother carrying a single child and for a mother carrying twins.

It doesn’t matter whether you are carrying twins or a single child; the journey is going to be unique. Here in this article, we are going to discuss the difference between single and twin pregnancy symptoms. Obviously, the basic one is that the mother is carrying two fetus instead of one in the womb.

If you are a would-be parent expecting twins, then read the article to get a heads up on what is coming ahead in your journey with your two special ones.

Common Singleton Pregnancy Symptoms

Common singleton pregnancy symptoms

When you are expecting a single child, you might have some symptoms that are quite similar to expecting multiple ones. Or there could be no symptoms that match because symptoms of pregnancy vary from woman to woman and can be different for every pregnancy. The most common signs of pregnancy include:

  • Missed menstruation
  • Swollen and tender breasts
  • Nausea
  • The urge to urinate is more
  • Fatigue

There are some other signs that could be less obvious but still could be a sign of pregnancy.

  • Moodiness
  • Congestion
  • Bloated feeling
  • Aversion to a few foods
  • Light spotting
  • Constipation
  • Cramps

These symptoms could change in intensity and vary throughout the duration of pregnancy. A pregnancy test at home is the most simple way to detect pregnancy. But check with a doctor as soon as possible if the result comes positive.

Difference Between Single And Twin Pregnancy Symptoms

The difference between single and twin pregnancy is one of the keys to knowing whether you are having a single child or multiple ones before you go check with the doctor. Here is a list of the differences in symptoms between single and twin pregnancies.

Increased Morning Sickness

Increased morning sickness - Difference Between Single And Twin Pregnancy Symptoms

One of the common symptoms of twin pregnancy could be the frequency and increased intensity of nausea and vomiting, not just in the morning but throughout the day. This could happen throughout the first trimester. The increase in the levels of producing hormones could be a reason behind this. This happens for the development of both babies, and this is the main cause behind the increased morning sickness when you are carrying twins.

Gaining More Weight

Gaining more weight - Pregnancy Symptoms

When a mother is carrying twins, their body needs to be strong enough to carry and support their two babies till she gets to the time of delivery. This might be the reason why a mother carrying twins gains more weight than a mother carrying a single child. Monitoring weight gain regularly helps to keep track of the growth of the babies and how much you have grown as well. This would give you an idea of whether you are having twins or a single child depending on the weight gain.

Severe Fatigue

Severe fatigue - Pregnancy Symptoms

It is absolutely normal to get more fatigued during pregnancy, but when pregnant with twins, you will have a tendency to take up energy from their mother and take a toll on her body while it is working hard to provide both the babies with everything they require for their development.

Experiencing Fetal Movement In Multiple Areas

With both babies inside the womb, you could feel the movements more from various different parts. You will find this becoming more prominent during the second trimester; that is the time when babies get more active.

Experiencing fetal movement in multiple areas

Frequent Urination

The urge to urinate more is a common and normal sign of pregnancy. However, with both the babies growing inside and when the body is producing more hormones, the pressure on the urinary tract and urinary bladder could be more.

Frequent urination - Pregnancy Symptoms

This might take you to the washroom more than usual, and this is one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy.

Increased Appetite

Increased appetite - Pregnancy Symptoms

During pregnancy, it is quite obvious that your appetite will increase, and you might get weird cravings as well. The body requires more nutrients than ever during this time to support the growth of the fetus. This is the cause behind the increased appetite, and the mother might also require a lot more calories than she requires while carrying a single child.

Rapid Belly Growth

Rapid belly growth

There is one huge visible difference between a single pregnancy and a twin pregnancy, and that is the rapid obvious growing shape of your belly or, to be precise, the uterus. The uterus expands faster than a single pregnancy when you are pregnant with twins. If you compare the size of the belly and the expected gestational period, you will find out that you are pregnant with one child or two.

Considerations For A Twin Pregnancy  

Pregnancy is indeed a time of joy and happiness. The comfort of growing a life/lives inside you is a feeling that does not compare to anything else.  

However, things get a bit more complicated when you are nurturing not just one but two lives inside you.  

Twin pregnancy is a bit different from a single pregnancy. There are more risks, considerations, and safety measures that you need to make if you are pregnant with twins.  

The considerations during a twin pregnancy are not something that you need to be worried about. Everything just remains the same, with a bit more intensity and more care. Once you get used to the considerations and precautions, dealing with a twin pregnancy becomes way easier for you.  

Here is a list of all the considerations that you need to make in case you are pregnant with twins.  

For Frequent Visits To The Doctor  

You will possibly visit your doctor more frequently if you are pregnant with twins than if you are pregnant with a single baby. Your doctor has the responsibility to monitor two fetuses at the same time and keep a very close eye on how they are progressing.  

Your doctor will ask you to get more tests done, more appointments, and other treatments to check both the fetuses and identify possible complications, if any.  

Increase In Appetite And More Nutritional Needs  

If there is one thing that is visible in mothers expecting two babies at a time, it is an increased appetite and more need for nutrition. This means that mothers need a lot more rest, fluids, and vitamins to help with the fatigue and make sure that both the fetuses develop in the healthiest possible ways.  

You must also avoid doing any strenuous physical activities at the time of pregnancy to prevent any undue stress on the body and cause yourself some additional harm.  

Higher Risk Of Gestational Diabetes  

Gestational diabetes is a complication that arises as the body starts to develop diabetes and its symptoms during pregnancy. Mothers are more at risk of getting gestational diabetes if they are carrying it, particularly with a genetic history of diabetes.  

At the time of pregnancy, mothers need to very carefully monitor their weight and blood sugar levels. If you do end up developing gestational diabetes, your doctor might schedule more treatments and tests to help with the symptoms or reduce any risks in the future.  

Increase In Preeclampsia Risks  

Preeclampsia is a particular condition that begins during pregnancy and affects the brain, kidney, and liver of the expecting mother with certain symptoms like swelling, high blood pressure, and protein in the urine. This might result in fatal eclampsia.  

It certainly is more common during multiple pregnancies because of an increase in hormonal levels. Due to this, twin mothers need to be screened for the chances of preeclampsia as early as possible to prevent any complications from developing later on.  

Some of the most common symptoms of preeclampsia include:  

  • Protein in urine  
  • High blood pressure  
  • Extreme swellings  

It may also result in headaches, abdominal and shoulder pain, urine troubles, respiratory issues, and changes in vision. If you feel like you are experiencing preeclampsia, call the doctor as soon as you can and report the symptoms. Doing this may prevent the disease from further progressing into eclampsia.  

Things To Consider For Twin Pregnancy

Pregnancy is generally a happy time for all parents, but it might get you worried as well. When you are expecting twins, you have to consider several other conditions along with happiness and take care of them accordingly. Those include:

  • More frequent doctor visits – You will most probably get checked by the doctor more frequently when you are pregnant with twins because you have to take care of not one but two babies. 
  • Nutritional needs and increased appetite – Your appetite will be more than usual. If you were expecting a single baby, your appetite would increase, but not the way when you are expecting twins. This is another common difference between single and twin pregnancy symptoms.
  • Gestational diabetes – The risk of getting gestational diabetes is higher when you are pregnant with twins, especially if you have this in your family history. 


It doesn’t matter if you are pregnant with a single child or a twin; both come with their own set of experiences and challenges. There is a difference between single and twin pregnancy symptoms as well. It is better if you are aware of the differences; that way, you can go for the extra care that your body requires.

During the gestational period, it is essential that you take good care of your health, maintain a good and healthy lifestyle, make sure that you are drinking and eating enough to support the growth of the babies, and pay regular visits to your gynecologist and get yourself and your babies checked.


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Subhasree Nag


Subhasree is a content writer who is passionate about traveling, writing, and reading books. In her leisure time, she is seen listening to music and watching web series. Writing along with music and dance are ways in which she expresses herself.

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