sleepover ideas for teens

11 Sleepover Ideas for Teens with a Guide to Safe Sleepover

The teenage years are the best of life. These are the years full of adventures, building memories, and making fun.  

Sometimes, it’s a party hosted by a friend, or it’s just a fun night where teenagers play a variety of games and spend quality time together. All the fun they have during these situations helps them out a lot in life. Did you know sleepovers can improve children’s communication skills? 

But most of the time, when you have such opportunities to meet up, you run out of ideas. That’s what this blog post will help you with – to come up with ideas.  

11 Sleepover Ideas for Teens

11 Sleepover Ideas for Teens

In this article, we discuss some fun sleepover ideas for teens. Here’s a list of ideas with tips on how to maintain safety and well-being without worrying about your parents. 

1. Truth & Dare

A sleepover staple would be the popular truth and dare game. It’s something that never fails to amaze and entertain people of any age. You need to have a glass bottle and spin it while you and your friends sit in a circle.  

When the spinning bottle stops facing someone, they must choose truth or dare. If true, your friend must answer a personal question. If it’s a dare, they must perform certain tasks you ask them to do. Try asking them to perform something silly to get the most fun.  

2. Nail Polish Spin Bottle

Here’s a great sleepover game for girls. When you invite your friends over, you can play this game. Just remove all the nail polish and put them in a color basket. Now, have a bottle and spin it just like the game of truth and dare. After spinning, call out a color whoever the bottle points to must paint their nails with that color.  

You can play this game for a long time until one of the players is left with the least colored nails. If you are looking for fun sleepover ideas for teens, you can try nail polish bottle spin.  

3. Foil Project Game 

Bring out the fashion designer hidden among your friends. But this time, with a twist. This sleepover game requires aluminum foils. Now, ask them to style and design a dress of their choosing. Use different styling tools like ribbons, threads, flowers, etc.  

Once all of you are done, ask them to do a fashion show. That’s the fun of this entire sleepover game. 

4. Blind Makeover Challenge 

Turn your sleepover into a fun photography session. But wait, there’s a twist. Your friends must make up for each other while blindfolded. You can expect everyone to end up with a hilarious face and beautiful memories. Once everyone has put on their makeup, it’s time for a photoshoot. All of you will have lots of Snapchat-worthy pictures.  

5. Talent Show

Talent Show 

It doesn’t really take a lot to come up with this idea. If none of the other sleepover ideas work, turn your sleepover into a talent show. Ask your friends to perform something. It can be mimicry, singing, dancing, acting, standup comedy, or anything your friends love to perform.  

You’ll make the best of memories playing this fun sleepover game. In fact, it’s best to pull out your phone and take a few videos. Put them on Instagram and tag your friends.  

6. Camping 

If you can camp outside with your friends, there’s nothing better than that.  But indoor camps are also fine if outdoor camping is not working. Just set up a camp in the hallway and make mushroom grills with your friends right at home. You can spice this whole sleepover thing up just by telling each other spooky stories.  

Other games, like Capture the Flag and Kickball, are also great if you want to bring in more activities. But, if you can have a bit of both (indoors and outdoors), try putting up your tent in the backyard. Under the starry night, enjoy the whole night gossiping and doing fun activities. 

7. Spa Night 

A sleepover doesn’t have to be full of exhausting fun activities. You can also ask your friends over and help each other relax. You can give each other pedicures and manicure treatments while all of you enjoy yourselves together. Even so parents should keep an eye on all the items used for these activities! 

Refreshment and relaxation might be what you need right after the exams are over. A spa night is ideal If you plan your sleepover right after the exam. 

8. Baking or Cooking Challenge

Bring your friends over for a baking and cooking challenge. If nothing else works, start a fun cooking competition at home while your friends band together with you. You can play music as you cook and have your friends showcase their MasterChef talent.  

To make this sleepover idea even more fun, you can have them present what they have made. Have you thought of what the first prize is yet? The winning team shouldn’t go empty-handed.  

9. Scavenger Hunt

This is wild for a sleepover idea, but a scavenger hunt is fun. If you are out of teen sleepover ideas , try playing a scavenger hunt with your friends. Prepare a list of things you want to collect in your neighborhood. Then, have your friends collect those things from around the neighborhood. Whoever finds the greatest number of items is the winner.  

10. Dance Party

Dance Party

Ask your friends what their favorite songs are and create a playlist. Now grab your Bluetooth speaker and dance with your friends to those songs like there’s no tomorrow. A dance party is one of the funniest. What’s better than having a dance-off and exploring your friends’ dance moves? 

11. Scary Movie Marathon 

Watch the spookiest movies with your friends during a sleepover. If you are looking for great sleepover ideas for teens, you can try this one. Want movie suggestions? I think you have already watched The Witch, The Ritual, The House Next Door, and The Stranger. Even rewatches work when it’s just movie time with your buddies during a sleepover. Raise the volume and put the lights out. Now, you are ready to get spooked.  

Stay Mindful and Stay Safe

Stay Mindful and Stay Safe

If you invite your friends over or go out for sleepovers at a friend’s house, it’s important to maintain caution. Because safety always comes first. Here are a few things you must consider – 

Understand Boundaries 

Being a teenager is mostly about often traveling to unchartered territories. But, during a sleepover, there are certain boundaries you must not break. It’s best to start by understanding the host family. First, try to understand how they supervise and what the rules of the house are.  

Will any of the older siblings and adults be around during the sleepover party? It’s best to stay informed and behave accordingly (even while having fun). 

Stay Accessible  

Well, you must build a bond with the host family if you go to your friend’s home for a sleepover. But keep yourself accessible for communication with your parents. You should always be able to contact them during any emergency. It works both ways.  

A Code Word 

Teenagers going for a sleepover doesn’t mean they are going to the lion’s den. But it’s best to ensure safety. Both parents and children should agree on a codeword or a signal suggesting they want to back out or leave.  

Trust Your Feelings

It’s nice to answer your friend’s call and visit their place for a sleepover.  But if your instinct says you don’t want to visit, it’s fine, too. Put your feelings first, and disagree if your mind says so.  

Similarly, parents should also try to understand the feelings of their children. If they want to go and if they are confident about coming home safe, then it’s ok. If they understand the value of their own safety, parents should trust in their feelings and let them choose.  

Final Words

Whether arranging a sleepover party or going to one, remember to check in with your parents frequently. Make sure everyone is comfortable with the sleepover idea you agreed upon. Most importantly, don’t forget to have fun. All the ideas mentioned here are fun and will help you make the best memories during a sleepover. 

Wait, do you prefer a specific sleepover idea? In that case, don’t forget to share. Thanks for reading.

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Shahnawaz Alam


Shahnawaz is a dreamer, a living jukebox of rhetoric, music, art, poetry, and comics. Son to a single father, Shahnawaz has always been a keen observer of parenting – more importantly, looking at parenting from different angles. Shahnawaz holds a master's degree in English literature and loves to spend time in nature, admiring its beauty. While he’s not pondering upon the dynamics of parent-children relationships, he lets J. Alfred Prufrock be the piper of Hamelin and often sleepwalks to his monologues.

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