Understanding The Sensation: What Do Contractions Feel Like?
There are multiple times during the course of your pregnancy when you can feel cramps or contractions and end up wondering – is this the pain everyone was talking about? Is this it, then? Is it labor-time?
Sometimes, it is even complicated for people to say, even for someone’s designated healthcare provider. So, what do contractions feel like? It’s close to the real deal if you know what we mean.
Plus, we thought it would be pretty cool to actually ask a few moms about their contractions – stay tuned to find out more about the same!
But Wait, What Are The Different Names For Contractions?
Yes, so what do contractions feel like? But before we start talking about what do real contractions feel like, it’s vital to check out all the different terms that can be used for the various kinds of contractions.
And that’s pretty important – scroll down to check out the different names for contractions.
1. Braxton Hicks Contractions:

If you are pregnant right now or have been in the past, chances are you have heard about John Braxton Hicks, an English doctor from the 19th century whose specialization was obstetrics.
These contractions that are named after him refer to the cramps that appear and disappear but never lead to labor. These are also known as practice or false contractions.
2. True labor Contractions:
The true labor contractions are the ones that do not really go away – it literally ends with your baby’s birth. These contractions are also known as real labor contractions.
3. Preterm Contractions:
Before your pregnancy reaches full term, you might experience real labor contractions – these contractions are known as preterm contractions.
Here, preterm is a word that is usually sued when your labor begins before 37 weeks of pregnancy. In case you start to experience any symptoms of what we call preterm labor or even if you doubt your feelings, then consult your doctor for timely assessment help.
Understanding The Sensation: What Do Contractions Feel Like?
So, you know the different types of contractions that people feel. But what do contractions feel like? As we just mentioned there are different types of contractions, of course that means, each contraction feels differently for individuals.
“Is it bad that I sort of can’t remember? I think the trauma has been wiped from my mind. I just remember having to breathe A LOT to get through it. (Alongside some serious drugs of course.)” (Amy D, mum of Evie) |
Without wasting time, let’s check out what each contractions feel like – scroll down to find out now.
What Do Braxton Hicks Contractions Feel Like?
Yes, what do Braxton hicks contractions feel like? Braxton Hicks contractions are similar to intense or mild cramps. This pain is primarily felt in the abdomen’s front, with the intensity of the same ebbing and flowing in the process.
For instance, these could be felt intensely mostly and suddenly these disappear. If your due date is fast approaching then it is possible that these might start to feel strongly than before or even in the third or second trimesters.
If you have undergone pregnancy before then you will understand what do false contractions feel like. These contractions are expected and normal – your body is getting ready for what is about to come.
These usually happen during the day’s end post sex or once you have physically exerted your body. In case, you have been pregnant before than it is possible to find false contractions starting earlier in your pregnancy as compared to the last time.
“The pain was like a wave. Straight up to a crest of insanely painful, and then an easing as the wave breaks and the contraction wears off. I was obviously delirious after a long labor to be visualizing waves.” (Liz E, mum of Phoebe) |
In order to relieve discomfort or pain from these contractions, try to walk around or even change positions. Sometimes, even resting helps – you can also choose to hydrate yourself. That way these are less likely to take place. So, it’s best that you keep drinking lots of water.
What Do Real Labor Contractions Feel Like?
It is hard to describe or predict what do labor contractions feel like for any one individual. This is simply because everyone experience pain differently.
So, when you ask what do early labor contractions feel like, we can only say it can be intense and strong for you. But at the same time, it can be mild or painless for others. Moreover, the pain that you felt in an earlier pregnancy can be different from the pain you are experiencing in your current pregnancy.
“My contractions would start with a slow hardening and gripping of my abdomen, then the pain would start. It felt like all of the organs in my midsection were being twisted and wrung out every few minutes.” (Jill, mum of Elle and Moira ) |
Typically, any real contractions usually feel like pressure or pain that begins in your back and then gradually moves to your lower abdomen’s front part. Unlike the flow and ebb of practice contractions, these can steadily be felt more intensively over a prolonged time period.
During this time, it is likely that your stomach will fee hard and tight – some expecting moms often compare these contractions with menstrual cramps.
Unlike the practice contractions, true ones appear regularly and with time starts to get close. That is why it is possible to time these contractions with a handy tracking chart. During this time, it is practical to consider early symptoms of labor such as water breaking.
Of course, whenever you are doubting about your experience, it is best to consult with your doctor.
In order to take care of this pain, you can,
- Go for walks,
- Nap,
- Take a warm bath or shower, and
- Practice different relaxation techniques usually taught during child birthing classes.
How Painful are Contractions?
Contractions leave everyone with a different feeling than the other person. For some of them, contractions are painless. The pain can get worse with time. However, between each contraction, there shouldn’t be any pain.
In most cases, your pregnancy care provider can discuss options related to pain relief during labor. They can help you ease the discomfort of contractions. Yes, there might be some stages of labor contraction.
Do Labor Contractions Come in Several Stages?
Yes, in a way. Labor contractions can intensify with time and change throughout labor’s phases. In most cases, there are three different stages of labor.
Labor contractions come in the first stage of labor. However, the first stage of labor is further divided into different phases with active labor. In every labor, contraction starts to become mild and irregular throughout early labor. Then, it becomes intense in active labor.
How long do Contractions Last?
Contractions can last between 20 seconds to 70 seconds based on the stage of pregnancy someone is in. Early labor contractions last for a lesser time than during labor contractions. Here’s how long contractions can last –
During early labor
- It can last 20 to 30 seconds.
- It happens every 30 to 60 minutes.
- In this phase, contraction feels more like an ache than pressure.
During active labor
- It may last between 40 to 70 seconds.
- Happen every 3 to 5 minutes.
- Feel so intense you can’t talk or walk.
Contractions will continue until the cervix dilates to ten centimeters. They also continue after delivery to push the placenta out of the vagina and help with compressing your blood vessels. The reason why it continues is because of their vagina compressing their blood vessels to stop bleeding.
And It’s A Wrap!
So, now you know what do contractions feel like, what do you think? As your pregnancy progresses, it is normal that you will feel more of these contractions and at the same, you these can also start to get more intense from day to day.
Its practical to consult your doctor about comfort techniques early in your pregnancy. Meanwhile, feel free to share your thoughts, stories, and experiences in the comments below.
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