When do you stop burping a baby?  

Well, burps are certainly not the most pleasant things to hear unless they come from your little one right after you feed them. Getting a fantastic burp out of your baby means that they are letting go of the air that is trapped in their belly – and accept it or not, it is the most satisfying thing to do. Till the baby reaches a certain age, they will need your help to burp every time after they eat.  

Babies find it difficult to burp on their own, as expelling air when you spend most of the time lying down is not that easy. However, after a time, parents need to stop this practice and let the baby burp on its own. But when to begin?  

Most new parents find it complicated to understand when to exactly stop burping their baby. Is there a way to understand? Well, yes. 

In this article, we shall unfold all of the signs and symptoms that your baby is ready to burp on its own, as well as other information about burping that you need to keep in mind.  

When To Burp A Baby?  

As per medical professionals, burping is an extremely important exercise during the first three months of your baby’s life. If you wish to, you may continue it even when the baby gets older than three months of age.  

When To Burp A Baby

You do not need an exact manual to burp the baby in the right way – just make sure that the baby is comfortable enough and doesn’t throw up right after getting fed.  

If you choose to breastfeed your baby, try to burp them when you shift from one breast to the other. In the case of bottle feeding, make sure to burp them in between during the first couple of ounces of feeding.  

However, if your baby falls asleep at the time of feeding, do not wake them up for the sole purpose of burping. Falling asleep means your baby is not experiencing any discomfort. So, it is better to let them sleep if that means you do not have to burp them after each feed.  

Ways To Burp A Baby  

Before you know when to stop burping a baby, you need to know the ways to burp them first. While we did mention a rule book is not there, you also need to be extra careful about the ways in which you choose to burp the baby.  

Ways To Burp A Baby

Over The Shoulder  

This is one of the most common ways to burp a baby, and you probably have seen many people do it the same way. In simple terms, you just need to put your baby over the shoulder and pat or rub them on the back to let go of the trapped air. Make sure you do it with a protective layer, like a burping cloth. Depending on who is doing this, the positions may slightly change. But, regardless of it, make sure not to bounce your baby as you burp them.  

Facedown On Lap  

To do this, you need to first sit in a comfortable place with both your feet on the ground. Place your baby face-down across the legs. Keep one of your legs under your stomach and the other under your head. Their head needs to be turned sideways.  

Use one hand to very gently pat or rub on their back and the other to secure them.  

Sitting Up  

Make the baby sit in an upright position, leaning them a bit forward. Then, one hand is used to support their chest and head, while the other is used to pat and rub their back.  

When Do You Stop Burping A Baby?  

One of the many reasons why you will possibly not find a lot of information on “When do you stop burping a baby?” is that every baby has a different metabolism, so their needs are different.  

When you feed a baby, they take in some air. While the quantity may vary depending on the way you feed them, regardless of that, they will take in some air. This air in their stomach will make the baby feel gassy and pretty uncomfortable.  

When Do You Stop Burping A Baby

While burping a baby is one of the most important practices for parents, there is a time when it needs to stop. There will come a time when your baby will grow out of its need, and you have to leave them to burp on their own, but when is the right time?  

Before you even think about stopping your burping exercise, you have to be sure that your baby is ready to burp on their own. A little mistake in calculation may cause your baby long hours of discomfort and uneasiness.  

Once your baby reaches the age of four or six months, you need to keep an eye on some very specific symptoms to be sure that they do not need any more burping.  

  • The baby doesn’t burp even when you keep on trying. 
  • Your baby remains absolutely content between and after feeding, even when they are not being burped.  
  • The baby is able to let go of its own gas by doing certain movements like rolling over, sitting up, etc.  

While some babies require burping till six months of age, others are able to burp by themselves by three to four months. However, it all depends on their personal development, not age.  

When Do You Need To Burp A Baby?  

When Do You Need To Burp A Baby

Your baby will sometimes give you a sign that they need to get burped. But in most cases, they won’t. Then, you would have to apply your usual rule of thumb and figure out when your baby does need burping. 

Burping While Breastfeeding  

For moms who breastfeed, a good time to start burping the baby is when you switch from one breast to the other. If your baby generally feeds on just one breast, try to burp them midway through the feed. For instance, if your baby takes 20 minutes to get fully fed, burp them at the 10-minute mark.  

Burping While Bottle-Feeding  

When it is preferable to burp during bottle feeding sessions, it mainly depends on the type of bottle you are using. If you are using non-vented bottles or the ones that cause more air build-up, burping them every two to three ounces is a safe option.  

Whether you are bottle feeding or breastfeeding, burping them after feeding can be a critical task. Try not to wait till the baby practically falls asleep. Waking them up for the sole purpose of burping is not a very preferable thing to do. When the baby starts to slow down during the feed or isn’t sucking or swallowing, softly bring her to whichever burping position fits them the best.  

What If Burping Doesn’t Work?  

Sometimes, burping your baby might not be enough to give them relief from the discomfort. If your baby seems uncomfortable from the gas even after you have burped them, there are some other options that you may try out to get results.  

What If Burping Doesn’t Work

Bicycle Their Legs  

If burping does not work out, you can try to bicycle their legs as an effective way to release the gas. To do this, you just need to lay the baby on its back and move their legs as if they are pedaling a bicycle.  

A little poop might also find its way out if the little ones were trying to push it out.  

Baby Massage  

It is believed that massaging a baby might improve their digestive and circulatory system, which may potentially help with constipation and gas. With that being said, there is very little scientific evidence that could successfully back these claims.  

If this does not work as the magical solution for your baby, massaging may be a very calming option for both parents and babies. Touch is one of the most effective ways to bond with your baby.  

Change The Bottle’s Nipple Flow  

If you are bottle feeding your baby, the size of the nipple may also play a role in deciding how much air they take in while feeding. A nipple that releases milk too slowly or quickly could have the baby gulping for air or getting some amount of extra air out of the bottle.  

Adjusting the nipple size a bit up or down will make your baby feel a little better after every feed.  

Change Bottles 

There are no particular types of bottles that will reduce the quantity of air your baby takes in while feeding. However, there are certain brands that prioritize venting and other air-controlling measures that may be quite helpful for your little one’s stomach.  

How To Stop Burping A Baby With Reflux?  

How To Stop Burping A Baby With Reflux

If your baby has reflux, a condition in which their stomach contents reach their esophagus, you need to keep a note of the following considerations:  

  • Keep the baby’s head higher than the stomach while feeding.  
  • Hold the baby upright for at least 15 to 30 minutes after feeding.  

How Long Should You Burp A Baby?  

How Long Should You Burp A Baby

If your baby is not loosening within one minute or so of trying, they probably do not need any extra help to burp. Sometimes, the air may take a little more to make its way out to the top of the stomach. If the baby keeps wriggling around making unhappy faces, try to give it another go.  

Unless they are going in for sleep, try to keep them upright for a while. Sitting up actually helps nature take its own course.  

At What Age Should You Stop Burping A Baby Completely?  

At What Age Should You Stop Burping

While every baby grows differently and has a different metabolism, the general rule says you should stop it anywhere between four and six months. Once the baby starts to roll over at around four months and learns to sit up, which happens at around six months, your baby will be able to burp all by themselves.  

Frequently Asked Questions  

  1. How Do You Know When To Stop Burping A Baby? 

There is no fixed time when you need to stop burping your baby. However, typically, it is around four to six months of age. Your kid will give signs that they do not wish to be burped anymore.  

2. Is It OK To Leave The Baby Without Burping? 

While some babies may experience it, others will be completely okay even if you don’t burp them. However, if your baby falls asleep while feeding, there is no need for you to wake them up for the sole purpose of burping.  

3. How Long Should I Let My Baby Burp? 

Once you are done feeding, it is preferable to keep the baby in an upright position for at least 10 to 15 minutes. This will prevent them from spitting up.  

4. What Happens If I Don’t Burp My Baby? 

Burping is certainly one of the most important parts of feeding. It helps in getting rid of all the extra air that passes into the stomach while feeding. Lack of proper burping and gulping too much air may result in making the baby gassy and cranky.  

5. What If The Baby Doesn’t Burp And Falls Asleep? 

If your baby falls asleep without burping, let them sleep. There is no need for you to wake the sleeping baby up and burp them. Also, make sure that you do not burp them while they are sleeping.  

6. Can A Baby Choke In Sleep If Not Burped? 

The risk of choking in sleep is pretty rare in babies. However, it is still important that you burp them after every feed and not overfeed them.  

7. What Is The Proper Method Of Burping? 

There are mainly three ways in which you should burp your baby –  

  • Over the shoulder  
  • Over the lap  
  • Upright sitting  

The Bottom Line 

Burping plays a major role in your little one’s feeding routine. Babies take in a good amount of air while feeding. This air gets stored in the stomach and makes them feel gassy and uncomfortable.  

Hence, it is important that you burp them after every feed. But, after a while, your baby would be able to do it all by themselves. But when it comes to new parents, it becomes a little concerning to ask, “When do you stop burping a baby?”   

While there is no rule book for this, it is better to stop burping them once they turn four to six months of age. However, every baby is different. Hence, this shall not depend on the age but on the different needs of the baby.


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