15 Month Sleep Regression: Why Does It Happen & How To Solve It?
Parenting is particularly challenging when it comes to new parents. With everything new on their plate, things may sometimes become more frustrating than they expect. From looking after their babies to feeding them to putting them to sleep – all of it is pretty new. Hence, confusion is mandatory. And speaking of sleep, some parents are blessed enough to have a baby that does not cause any sleeping trouble. But for others, things are a little different. Most parents complain about how it is impossible for them to put their baby to sleep. And, even if your baby has been a treat and never caused sleeping trouble, we suggest you wait. Sleep regression is very common among growing babies. And if your little one is yet to experience any regressive phases, there is a high chance that the 15-month sleep regression is around the corner.
Yes, you heard it right; babies go through terrible phases of sleep regression at 4, 6, 12, and 15 months, and it is both painful for the kid and the parents. During this time, it becomes quite impossible to make the baby fall asleep. In turn, it makes the little one very clingy and more cranky.
So, is your little one going through their 15 month sleep regression phase too? Or are you worried they might be experiencing it soon? Well then, we think you are just at the right place.
In this article, we shall discuss what 15 month sleep regression actually is, and how can you help your baby get over it in no time at all.
What Is 15 Month Sleep Regression?

15 month sleep regression is a time when babies or toddlers go through a major change in their sleeping pattern. At this time, your kid might have a hard time falling asleep, wake up more frequently at night, or just wake up earlier than their usual time. Other than the loss of sleep, some other prominent symptoms that your kid is going through sleep regression are clinginess, fussiness, appetite change, and mood swings.
While every baby is different, most of them tend to go through the stage of 15 month sleep regression when they are around 15 months of age. This mainly happens because of the number of changes that their body and brain experience.
What Are The Signs That Your Baby Is Going Through 15 Month Sleep Regression?
Just because your child is not being able to sleep at night does not mean they are going through a phase of sleep regression. There is a very fine line of difference between sleep regression and sleep disturbances. Sleep disturbances are not too serious, and you will still be able to make your baby fall asleep regardless of them. But in case of sleep regression, there is hardly any chance that your baby will give in.
If your child has gone through regressions at the age of 8 months, it is still possible for you to identify the symptoms of sleep regression and differentiate them from sleep disturbances. But, if you are completely new to it, this is that one challenge that you probably were not expecting.
In that case, here are some of the most prominent symptoms that your little one is going through 15 month sleep regression:
An Abrupt Change In Their Sleep Patterns
As the name suggests, one of the most common symptoms of sleep regression is a change in sleep patterns. If your baby has been sleeping pretty well in the past, you will notice a visible change in how they have been sleeping now. With a reduction in their sleep quality, there will also be a visible change in the total time they get to sleep. With more frequent wake-ups at night, your toddler will just not get the total amount of sleep they need in a 24-hour period.
Increased Clinginess Or Fussiness During Bedtime
If it was easy for you to keep your baby in their crib during bedtime, you need to let go of that comfort now. 15 month sleep regression comes with immense fussiness during bedtime. They will show major symptoms of separation anxiety, resist bedtime, and need more reassurance and comfort. While these are temporary and last for only a month or so, dealing with them after a long stretch of good sleep may be a tough job for new parents.
Developmental Leaps
Sometimes, the 15 month sleep regression is a sign that your baby is, in fact, having healthy growth. Developments in cognitive, motor, and language skills may cause the little one to stay up throughout the night. It becomes pretty difficult to sleep when their brain is still active.
Teething Symptoms
If your baby is exhibiting signs of teething like gum irritation, drooling, or too much chewing, it might cause a certain degree of discomfort that makes it even more difficult for them to fall asleep.
What Are The Main Causes Behind 15 Month Sleep Regression?
Just as we mentioned before, sleep regression is different than sleep disturbances. While sleep disturbances happen more on the surface level, sleep regression is a little more deep-rooted.
Some of the most common triggers of 15 month sleep regression are:
Developmental Changes
Upon reaching 15 months of age, babies start to develop their cognitive, motor, and language skills very rapidly. This period of growth may lead to interrupted sleep as their brain keeps on processing all of the newly learned skills.
Many kids have already started to walk or just learned to walk at this age. This fantastic milestone brings an absolute sense of independence and a major change in your kid’s life.
This huge change in their gross motor development may lead to certain temporary regressions in their other areas – sleep being one of them. So, if your child has started to walk very recently, it might be one of the reasons behind their sleep regression.
Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety is a common problem among babies around 15 months of age.
This is capable of making their bedtime routine even more challenging. They tend to become more clingy and keep on resisting their bedtime.
For a lot of toddlers, it may also lead to waking up multiple times at night. As they wake up and do not find you around them, they start to cry, looking for someone to comfort them.
Teething is yet another common reason as to why your child might be suffering from 15 month sleep regression. It is during this age when most toddlers get their very first molars. The feeling of teething is particularly uncomfortable and is highly capable of disrupting sleep. So, even if your little one has been a very good sleeper in the beginning, teething can completely change it for them.
Changes In Their Sleep Schedule
As babies start to grow, their sleeping pattern starts to get more mature. Hence, a change in their sleeping pattern is inevitable.
Many kids drop from two naps to just one in a day. Even the total time they used to sleep might also change. So, if your child has recently gone through a change in their sleeping pattern, there is a high chance that they will experience sleep regression, too.
Parents might have to adjust bedtime routines and nap timings to rightly accommodate these changes. This may also temporarily disrupt their sleep patterns.
How Long Will The 15 Month Sleep Regression Last?
If you are worried about your baby’s 15-month sleep regression, we suggest that you relax. Sleep regression is temporary, and there is nothing that you need to worry about. The symptoms may only last for a couple of weeks – but it completely depends on your child.
In some cases, your child might not even experience a 15 month sleep regression. But, if they do, staying calm as a parent is the first thing that you need to do. Taking the right measures and steps will make sure that things go smoothly without too much hassle.
Right Measures For 15 Month Sleep Regression
Once you figure out the possible cause behind your baby’s sleep regression, you can take just the right steps to help them out with it.
While there are multiple practices that parents can try out, you can choose just one depending on the particular needs of your little one.
Keep A Consistent Bedtime Routine
When your toddler goes through 15 month sleep regression, do not give up on their sleeping pattern. Rather, make a consistent bedtime routine and maintain it regardless of what your toddler demands.
A regular routine will help build familiarity and predictability, which will develop a sense of comfort and security for the baby.
Some common ways in which you can establish a consistent bedtime routine for your little one are:
- Fix a regular bedtime
- Give them a peaceful sleep environment – dark, calm, and comfortable temperature
- Create a pre-bedtime routine
- Use their sleep cues
Encourage Them To Self-Soothe
If your toddler is mainly going through their 15 month sleep regression phase because of separation anxiety, it is better to get them accustomed with the concept of self-soothing. You may give them a blanket or a soft toy that can help them with their anxiety and put them to sleep easily.
However, keep an eye on the soothing object you select for the little. Keep in mind the safety hazards before you add any item to your baby’s sleep environment.
Adjust Their Sleep Schedule As It Is Required
If your toddler is deliberately resisting sleep because of a recent transition in their nap routine, it is best that you adjust their sleep schedule to what it was before.
It is only feasible to monitor their sleep patterns and change their bedtime routine accordingly to make sure they are getting enough sleep throughout the day.
Give Them Comfort For Teething Pain
If your baby has started teething, you can give them cold washcloths, teething toys, or soft gum massages to reduce the pain and discomfort they have been going through. Even here, you need to be more careful about what you choose. Always make sure the toys do not pose any choking hazard and are safe for use by babies.
Be Patient And Respond To Them
You need to understand that this is only a temporary phase and that your little one is not doing it intentionally. They need some extra reassurance and comfort during this time.
So, it is best to respond to their needs and give them a soothing and calming environment to help them with the sudden transition.
Remember, this is going to pass. Your baby will be able to sleep just like before in no time, and they will get back all of their good sleeping habits. All you need to do is be patient enough to get through with this.
Give Them Time To Learn During The Day
As we mentioned, your kid develops a number of cognitive, motor, and language skills during this age. They go through the phase of regression because their brain takes time to process all the new changes happening in their body. So, it is always better to give them some time during the day to do activities that will further nurture their skills. This will help their brain process information more quickly, giving them a good amount of sleep at night.
When To Call The Doctor?
If all of your methods fail, and you just cannot make the baby fall asleep at night, it is better to call the doctor. They may have certain different strategies to try out. They may also help detect if there is any underlying sickness that is keeping your baby up all night. While this is only a temporary stage, it is better to not leave it be and let the expert deal with it.
The Bottom Line
15 month sleep regression is a time when your toddler resists sleeping and keeps waking up at night. This is a common phenomenon among babies, particularly at this age. There are quite a few reasons that trigger the 15 month sleep regression, but none of them are temporary.
With the correct measures, you shall easily be able to overcome this stage and have your baby sleeping peacefully through the night.
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