Cramps During Pregnancy

Are Cramps During Pregnancy Normal? When Should I Be Worried?

Women who have been amid the whirlpool of pregnancy know that nothing is old with pregnancy.

Indeed some of these changes are major concerns. But Google helps answer some of the simplest ones – like cramps during pregnancy.

Your body is stretching and making room for the little one to come; also, mild cramps and early pregnancy anxieties are walking hand in hand (yes, nothing’s old with pregnancy).

However, it is better to keep track of pregnancy cramps and how it can affect your body. Knowing about the causes and the concerns will help you treat any abnormal causes at an early phase.

[ But if you have experienced extreme cramps with or without bleeding, try contacting your doctor ASAP ]

Cramps During Pregnancy: What’s Normal About It

Cramps During Pregnancy What’s Normal About It

According to different gynecologists, mild cramps during early pregnancy is common. You may feel mind cramps around the lower abdomen from time to time. This is a way of letting your body know that you are preparing space for the little one.

During the early phase of pregnancy, your belly and your uterus grow to cause you to feel slightly pulling, stretching, and tugging. These feelings are similar to the menstrual cramps.

Also, later on, your uterus starts to tighten, making the lower abdominal part of your belly to feel discomfort. However, these cramps during pregnancy are normal as long as they occasionally appear and subside on their own.

The round ligament, a muscle supporting the uterus, may also cause mild pain around the uterus. Such pain usually occurs during the second trimester. However, cramps during the third pregnancy trimester usually happen due to the final growth spurt in your body.

During The First And Second Trimester 

In the first trimester, the body starts preparing itself for the uterus that is growing. These are the changes that mainly cause the cramps. But these cramps are temporary and mild, and do not cause much discomfort to the mother or the growing baby. During the early phase of pregnancy, your belly and your uterus grow to cause you to feel slightly pulling, stretching, and tugging. These feelings are similar to the menstrual cramps.

This is not something that you have to worry about. But yes, it is a matter of concern if you find the pain getting intense and chronic along with some other symptoms like vaginal bleeding. but if it is mild to moderate cramping in the lower back region or the lower abdomen part, then it is something that most woman face.

During the first two trimesters, it is normal to get cramps often. the reason behind this is because the uterus is made up of muscles, and it contracts and expands, that is what causes the mild discomfort that you feel. This contraction can happen because of various other reasons like gas, bloating, constipation, or a full bladder. You can also experience cramps while doing exercises, and it is also natural to get cramps after having sex.

During pregnancy, women are more prone to getting yeast infections, UTIs, or urinary track infections, and both of these conditions can cause pregnancy cramps. these conditions should be treated immediately for the health of the mother.

During The Third Trimester 

Throughout the time the uterus keeps growing until the delivery, and you might experience cramps and because of this, you might experience cramps all these while.

But during the second trimester, you should experience very less amount of cramps. Also, later on, your uterus starts to tighten, making the lower abdominal part of your belly feel discomfort. However, these cramps during pregnancy are normal as long as they occasionally appear and subside on their own.

The round ligament, a muscle supporting the uterus, may also cause mild pain around the uterus. Such pain usually occurs during the second trimester. However, cramps during the third pregnancy trimester usually happen due to the final growth spurt in your body.

Though cramping is normal, be careful and look if you are going into preterm labor. Look for the symptoms. If you feel dull backaches, see fluid or blood coming out of your vagina, feel intense pressure in the pelvic region, or feel that the cramps are getting intense and are coming back frequently. If you find that you have almost five cramps in one hour, then there is a good chance that you are going into labor.

What Causes Cramps During Pregnancy? 

However, there are some other common causes of cramps during pregnancy. Here are some of those causes –

  • Gas, bloating, and constipation.
  • Implantation bleeding.
  • Exercise.
  • Sexual intercourse.
  • Braxton Hicks contractions.

Mild Cramps During Pregnancy: What Should I Do? 

Mild Cramps During Pregnancy

Cramps during pregnancy are normal as long as you do not show any abnormal signs. For normal cramps, you can take different measures. Here are some common solutions to try –

Rest: Change your position, sit, or lie down. When you have cramps, changing your position might help a lot.

A Warm Soak: A warm soak in the tub or a warm shower reportedly helps with mild cramps during pregnancy.

Acetaminophen: Acetaminophen might help when you are experiencing early pregnancy cramps. Pregnant women often consume products like Tylenol. However, before using such a product, discuss it with your healthcare provider. These products usually help with pain and fever.

Practice Healthy Habits: several relaxation techniques like Yoga, breathing, and  meditation often help mitigate cramps during pregnancy.

Keep Drinking: research shows that pregnant women need 50% more water than regular people. So, always keep the fluid coming and stay hydrated.

Most importantly do not stress about it. cramping can also happen if you are too anxious or stressed. Take some time off, and relax. Just as it has been mentioned above that doing meditation, yoga can help with your cramps,

It means that it will help your mind to relax and reduce the cramping. take a shower or go for a walk, use a heat pad or watch your favorite show. That will help you calm down, or take your mind off things that are causing you distress.

Cramps During Pregnancy: When Should I Be Concerned? 

Cramps During Pregnancy When Should I Be Concerned

Yes, it is quite normal to experience cramping during pregnancy. However, certain symptoms may concern you. When cramping gets serious and worse with time, and it occurs with severe intensity after each interval, you should be concerned.

Also, if cramping is associated with vaginal bleeding or an immense amount of vaginal discharge, coupled with abnormal pelvic pressure, you should contact the doctor immediately. Some possible causes behind these severe symptoms can be –

  1. Ectopic pregnancy.
  2. Miscarriage.
  3. Bladder infection or UTI.
  4. Preeclampsia.

Ectopic Pregnancy – Ectopic Pregnancy Occurs when the fertilized egg gets implanted outside the uterus. Such pregnancies cause painful cramping. If you have an ectopic pregnancy, you should contact your doctor immediately since it needs the doctor’s attention ASAP.

Miscarriage – when you experience vaginal spotting alongside sharp cramping, it might be a sign of miscarriage. However, women having spotting and cramping still have healthy pregnancies and childbirth. But, if your pain accompanies heavy bleeding and severe cramping, contact your contour as early as possible.
Preeclampsia – Preeclampsia is often the reason for pain in the upper abdomen. It usually occurs due to high blood pressure and a higher level of protein in the urine.

Urinary Tract Infection – it is possible to have UTI during pregnancy. You might feel pain during urination and pain in the lower part of the abdomen if you have UTI.

Placental Abruption – Placental abruption happens due to the separation of the placenta from the Uterus before the baby’s birth. It is a life-threatening condition. Cramps during pregnancy that do not go away often suggest a placental abruption.

However, it is also normal for women to have cramping during bowel movements while pregnant. It usually happens due to the fluctuation of hormone levels, lack of fiber in the diet, and due to dehydration.

Concerned About Cramps During Pregnancy, What Should I Do? 

Concerned About Cramps During Pregnancy, What Should I Do

When your ex experiences the concerning health symptoms, your first action should be to contact your healthcare provider. You should never take the concerning symptoms too lightly. Severe cramps during pregnancy might be a sign of misscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.

However, bladder infection or constipation is often the reason for cramps during pregnancy. Doctors might prescribe an ultrasound of your pregnant belly if you have any mild or concerning signs alongside cramps.

A cautious mind can always skip any trouble coming their way. What you are experiencing might not be so severe. However, checking and securing your and your baby’s health never hurts. Under several circumstances, as follows, you must contact your doctor –

  • Severe and persisting pain.
  • Pain around the lower abdomen, along with contraction.
  • Vaginal Cramping, Discharge, bleeding, gastrointestinal symptoms.
  • Cramping alongside pain in the neck and the shoulder.

Bottom Line

When cramps during pregnancy get really worrisome, do not hesitate to call your healthcare provider. Although according to the AAFP, intense cramps during pregnancy usually happen to less than 2% of people, you should never leave anything to chance. However, if the pain subsides by changing position or is not as severe, then there is no need to feel concerned. But you must consult with your doctor if the symptoms are severe. I hope you have found your answers. However, for more queries contact us through the comment section.

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Shahnawaz Alam


Shahnawaz is a dreamer, a living jukebox of rhetoric, music, art, poetry, and comics. Son to a single father, Shahnawaz has always been a keen observer of parenting – more importantly, looking at parenting from different angles. Shahnawaz holds a master's degree in English literature and loves to spend time in nature, admiring its beauty. While he’s not pondering upon the dynamics of parent-children relationships, he lets J. Alfred Prufrock be the piper of Hamelin and often sleepwalks to his monologues.

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