Home Remedies for Acidity: Why You Should Avoid Some of Them?
Heartburn or acid reflux is a difficult and common problem. A wholesome meal with all your favorite dishes makes you feel alarmed by constant burping.
And the burning sensation around the throat is the worst. However, there are many home remedies for acidity. Most of us try those at home to get instant relief. But how many of them work?
Should you consider something else instead? Are you sure the home remedy you are following is safe during acid reflux?
In this article, we have demystified some home remedy myths for acid reflux and approved the ones that work.
Read this article to learn about actual acid reflux home remedies that work.
7 Helpful Home Remedies for Acidity
First, we have listed the home remedies that are most helpful for people dealing with acid reflux. Here are seven options that might help –
1. Fennel or Saunf
Acid reflux or instant acidity can be difficult to deal with. Such cases are easy to manage if you keep fennel seeds or saunf at home. It has antacid properties and helps greatly to reduce heartburn and fennel seeds.
It’s the forever friend of your digestive tract and can help you fix indigestion and reduce acid reflux instantly. But how?
Process of use
- Chew a teaspoon of fennel seed after you are done having your meal.
- You can also drink Saunf water with an empty stomach to help heal your stomach lining. It is great for alleviating acid reflux and for treating indigestion.
2. Buttermilk
If you are looking for something to reduce acid reflux, try out buttermilk. It has acid reflux properties, helping neutralize excessive acidity sitting in your stomach.
The major helpful element present in buttermilk is lactic acid. With other herbs and spices, buttermilk can work wonders in alleviating acidity. If you want instant relief from acidity, use this home remedy as mentioned below –
Process of use
- The first easy way of use is to put a pinch of salt into the buttermilk and drink it.
- Go for more spices and add black pepper and coriander leaves to boost its potency and flavor.
Aside from being a very potent home remedy for acidity, Chaas or buttermilk has a great taste.
3. Banana
Not only acidity, but bananas are also great for improving your bowel movement and easing constipation. It is one of the best home remedies for acidity. Plus, it is also delicious.
Bananas have alkaline properties, making them great against stomach acids reached in pectin. It allows the food to move throughout the digestive tract. It provides a layer to the esophageal lining and helps stop acidity.
Process of use
- A Banana smoothie with yogurt works great.
- You can also eat ripe bananas directly.
4. Ginger
Did you know that ginger is also one of the home remedies for acidity? This is another home remedy you should always have in your kitchen. Some suggest having a slice of ginger if you have a high level of acidity.
However, there’s no research proving how ginger helps reduce acid reflux. Sometimes, having a small amount of ginger can help reduce gastrointestinal irritation and relieve acidity.
- You can consume ginger directly. Just have a slice and start chewing it.
- Drinking ginger tea in the morning is also beneficial for your gut health.
- Have it with soup or while cooking your meal.
5. Ajwain
Ajwain has always been a home remedy for acidity. We learned this practice from our parents or grandparents, who always kept some amount of ajwain and had it after lunch or dinner.
Ajwain helps greatly to reduce acidity and digestive issues. Antacid properties like thymol are present in ajwain and stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. Once consumed, it can help relieve acidity instantly.
Process of use
- You can eat a pinch of ajwain directly to soothe acidity.
- Sometimes, you can add slightly roasted ajwain seed to a glass of warm water.
6. Aloe Vera Juice
Aloe vera juice can provide instant relief when you are having too much heartburn and acidity. The Aloe vera juice helps reduce acid content in your stomach.
It helps ease inflation in the esophagus and inflammation in the stomach. The aloin in aloe vera juice is anti-inflammatory, making it a great option for soothing the stomach lining.
Process of use
- If you have fresh aloe vera at home, you can quickly make it and have it 20 to 30 minutes before having your meal.
- It would help to dilute the juice using a little water. Also, try consuming a small amount first to see if it works.
7. Coconut Water
Another great option to try for taking care of your gut health is coconut water. It’s also alkaline in nature, which makes it a great remedy for acidity and gastric discomfort.
Although it may not instantly work as a remedy for acidity, you can keep it in your diet. Drinking coconut water regularly can help you get relief from acidity. It also comes with enough electrolytes to help with proper digestion.
Process of use
- You can drink coconut water directly.
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Home Remedies for Acidity That Don’t Work
While many of these popularly claimed home remedies for acidity work, many of them don’t. In fact, it’s best to stay away from some of these recommendations.
Here is a list of home remedies that don’t work against acidity –
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
ACV doesn’t work for acid reflux. If you want to reduce acidity instantly, try something else but not apple cider vinegar.
There’s no scientific research or evidence suggesting you can reduce acid reflux by consuming vinegar. But even if you want to have ACV, avoid consuming it directly. Instead, have a spoonful of ACV with warm water.
2. Glass of Milk
Sometimes, a glass of milk might help buffer acidity temporarily. But usually, it can worsen the condition you are already in. In fact, there are other nutrients in the stomach (fat) that can even increase the level of acidity.
3. Tea
Drinking tea also doesn’t help alleviate acidity. Although many consider tea a helpful home remedy for acidity, it can do the opposite. Tea can increase gastric acid secretion. In fact, peppermint tea is one of the risk factors for developing a high level of acidity.
4. Sleeping on a Pile of Pillows
While many of us tend to think that sleeping flat on our stomachs on a pile of pillows can help reduce acidity, it doesn’t usually work. There’s no use relying on such remedies that would rather make your condition worse.
5. Stay Upright After Eating
Lying down on the bed after a heavy meal doesn’t help reduce acidity. In fact, it can make it worse. Instead, you can have your lunch and sit upright. It’s best to stay upright after having your meal. That’s why you should always have your dinner early in the evening to have plenty of time before lunch.
Take Care of Your Gut Health
Before it gets worse, it’s best to consult with a gastrologist or your personal health care provider. Instead of opting for instant relief, start taking care of your gut health to stay healthy all the time. Instead of resorting to instant relief, look for healthy practices to improve your gut health.
Reduce irregularities in your meals and have a proper eating habit that includes all the elements that improve your stomach’s condition. It’s best to consult a doctor who will provide a personalized solution to your problem. Share your feedback with us if this article was helpful. Thank you for reading.
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