20 Tips For Dads – Best Guide For Expectant Fathers And First Time Fathers
Having a baby and becoming a father for the first time can be very nerve-racking and terrifying. For moms, they get into character ever since they feel the first kick in their growing belly. But what for the dads? What should they do to prepare for the baby and fatherhood?
Well, calm down, Dad; here are 20 tips for dads to prepare themselves for the new arrival in the family. So, dads, keep on scrolling to prepare yourself for the upcoming challenge.
20 First Time Tips For Dads
Since you are not the one to carry the baby, what you can do is learn as much as possible about what to expect at every stage of the pregnancy. And gradually read up about the things you need to take care of after the baby is born.
1. Do Your Research

Nobody expects you to know everything about being a dad and having babies! So calm down, go online, or go to the bookstore and look up everything about being a parent and babies.
The more you research, the better you understand about having a baby and becoming a father. You need to read up on everything from pregnancy, baby-care, and what baby things you need to prepare for.
2. Make Financial Plans
Let me make this clear, “Babies are expensive!” Babies are more expensive than adults in some cases. You would definitely wanna give the best of everything to your baby, so in that case, start making a financial plan ahead of time.
Make room for important things like diapers and food, but you can easily cut back on less essential things such as expensive clothes and toys.
3. Be By Your Partner’s Side
Being a man, you might think there is not much you can do during pregnancy, but that is not true. You can equally experience the whole pregnancy like your partner. Both your lives are going to change, so why not share the experience?
Here are some tips for new dads: be there for your partner and make her feel loved, comforted, and cared for. You can make her feel special because, face it, she is going through a lot right now, and it’s your job to make her feel good about herself.
4. Sleep!
This is your time to sleep all you can because once the baby arrives, you are not able to get the right amount of sleep. So, the best thing you and your partner can do is to prepare a sleep schedule that works best when the baby arrives.
You are right to expect no sleep when the baby arrives, so a sleep schedule works best for you and your partner so that you don’t develop insomnia. These are a few tips for dads expecting their first baby.
5. Be Ready To Change Dirty Diapers
Don’t expect your partner to change the diapers always cuz she is not gonna! So prepare yourself in advance to do all kinds of baby cleaning stuff. If you are not sure about these things, there are baby classes for new parents that teach you everything.
Keeping the baby clean is very important, so both tips for dads, both you and your partner, learn these things ahead of time cuz once the baby is born, it’s Go Time!
6. The Baby Won’t Take Over Your Life
Having a new baby definitely means you are going to spend a lot of your time around the baby and baby-related things. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up your private life and sacrifice the things you love to do.
So once a week, you should definitely go out and meet up with your friends, but that doesn’t mean you are abandoning your baby or your responsibilities. Maybe once a week, hire a nanny, and you and your partner have a date night away from all the crying and dirty diapers.
7. Share All The Responsibilities
The responsibilities of a good father don’t begin after the baby is born; it starts when your partner is pregnant. You are at the forefront of seeing a human growing up inside of your partner. So cut her some slack and help her around as much as you can.
It is important to share and divide duties among yourselves so that no one feels overwhelmed and snaps.
8. Go To Every Doctor’s Appointment
It is possible that there is a scheduling problem with the doctor and your job, but even so, try to make it possible as much as you can. Attending these appointments really shows your partner that you are ready to take responsibility and are up for the job.
9. Baby Bonding Time Is Crucial
Undoubtedly, the baby has a strong bond with their mothers because they were inside them for nine months. But that doesn’t mean the baby can’t have a strong bond with the father. In fact, it is very important that you have a strong bond with your baby right from birth.
Be there for your baby; don’t think anything is difficult; when they cry, calm them down and comfort them. This bond between you and your baby is undoubtedly one of the best things in your life.
10. Your Partner Won’t Forget You, Chill!
Relax! Just because your partner is busy with the baby, that doesn’t mean she forgot about you. She loves you very much, but the baby needs more attention and care right now, so don’t feel bad about that.
11. Take A Babymoon
Yeah!! This is going to sound pretty weird to you, but it is a thing. Babymoon is a trip for you and your partner alone before the baby is born. It’s the last chance for you two to enjoy a trip together all alone before the baby is born.
This is like a quick little getaway before the baby is born and your parenting duties start. So take full advantage of this time with your partner.
12. Look For The Best Pediatrician
It is very important to find the best pediatrician in your area, even before the baby is born, since a pediatrician is going to be in the life of your baby for a long time, so it’s better to vent out the best one.
If you are new at this, you can always ask some of your friends for a referral or go the easiest way and check out online.
13. Baby Stuff Will Be All-Around
Just because your baby is not born yet doesn’t mean your house is not gonna be filled with baby stuff everywhere. Before you even see your baby, you are going to see a lot of toys, clothes, diapers, and other accessories everywhere.
It is possible that most of them are bought by your partner online or gifts from friends and family. So sit with your partner and assign a place for all the baby things, so your house is not spoiled by them.
14. “Baby Shark” On A Loop!
“Baby shark, doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo
Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo.”
Deal with it, once the baby is born, this song is going to play in your nightmare in a loop.
15. Decide On The Type Of Parent You Want To Be
For every new dad out there, it is very important to contemplate what type of a father you wanna become for your child. This is a conversation you need to have with yourself. Think about your parents and take notes from them.
But moreover, ask yourself what type of father you wanna become and what your instincts are saying to you. Take this decision seriously, but don’t let this get over your head; trust your instincts.
16. Prepare A Hospital Bag
When it’s near labor time, the one thing you should prepare in advance is a hospital bag with all the essentials. The things you should pack are things like a phone charger, a clean pair of clothes, baby clothes, snacks, a camera, and even a pillow.
Labor can take a long time if it’s your first baby, so prepare according to that.
17. Don’t Compare Your Fathering Abilities With Others
Here are some tips for dads: don’t compare your capabilities of being a father with others. Don’t let others get inside your head. Knowing how to be a father is a learning process, and it takes time to get comfortable in that role; no one is born with dad skills.
18. Don’t Worry! You Won’t Drop The Baby
Why are you so worried about it? You are not going to drop your baby. It is a pretty common fear of all first-time dads, but here are some tips for expectant dads: don’t let your fears get in the way of bonding with your baby.
19. Think Of Taking A Paternity Leave
The initial few weeks with your baby are very precious, so don’t miss out on that. Have a talk with your employer about taking paternity leave for a few weeks. This will help you spend the most quality time with your little one.
20. Take Care Of Yourself
This is the number one dad guide for expectant fathers: take care of yourself both before and after the baby is born. Don’t stress yourself out with all these new responsibilities; take some time out for yourself and clear your head.
Frequently Asked Questions by Dads (FAQs)!
So, Dads, if you have any more questions, here are a few questions that other first-time dads like you ask.
Ans: There are a couple of things that you, as the dad, are in charge of during the pregnancy.
‣ Encourage and support her constantly.
‣ Show her affection and all the love you can.
‣ Go to doctor appointments with her.
‣ Take walks together for exercise.
‣ Eat healthy food with her.
Ans: It is obvious that after a baby is born, there are certain hormonal changes that happen to the mothers. But, according to research, dads undergo certain hormonal changes after their baby is born.
Ans: There are certain things you might need as a first-time dad are as such.
‣ A strong & sturdy baby carrier
‣ A baby keepsake object
‣ A “Dad Uniform”
‣ A baby bag
‣ Best way to store baby memories
Wrapping Up!
So Dad, now with all the first-time tips for dads that I have mentioned above, it should definitely help you to calm down and think rationally. Now is not the time for you to be clueless.
Being a dad is a huge responsibility; you are going to have a little life depending on you. So don’t be afraid but take all the help you can.
Hopefully, this article was able to calm your nerves and help you; let us know in the comment section how you felt when you became a father, holding your baby for the first time.
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