Advice For Australian Parents Who Deal With Autism Every Day.

The Top Pieces Of Advice For Australian Parents Who Deal With Autism Every Day.

If you suspect that your child has some kind of autism spectrum disorder or it has already been confirmed for you then it can be confusing knowing what lies ahead in the coming years. Nothing prepares you for hearing news like this and every parent wants their child to grow up to be happy and healthy.

It can be a little scary when you get the news at the very beginning when you receive the news that ASD is a condition that is with the recipient for their whole lives and so all of your plans may have been thrown into turmoil. At this moment in time, you need reassurance that there is help out there in the form of treatment and knowledge that will benefit your child.

The good news is that there are many children all across Australia and the great city of Sydney who have autism spectrum disorder and they go on to learn many new skills and find their way around the hurdles that are put in front of them with regards to their development. The reason why all of these kids do so well is because of the autism therapy in Sydney that is available to them. The Australian government has gotten on board and they provide many free services with regards to therapy and within the school system itself.

Hopefully, this has helped to reassure you in some way and the good news is that your child can still learn, can still grow and can still create many opportunities in this life. One of the most important things however is that you also take care of your health because if you are strong emotionally and physically then you are better able to help your child. The following are just some of the top pieces of advice that every Australian parent needs to know when they find out that their child has autism.

  • You need to learn about autism – You can’t possibly know what it is that you can do to help your child if you know nothing about this condition at all. The more that you know about ASD, the better able you are to make more informed decisions when it comes to your child’s future. There are many different treatment options currently available so educate yourself about those and never be afraid to ask your medical practitioner and other professionals questions at any time.
  • Figure out your child’s triggers – There will be certain things that will trigger your child to be a little disruptive and challenge you as a parent. You need to try to figure out what these are and also look out for the ones that push your child in the opposite direction so that they behave positively. There will be many things that will stress your child out and that will be things frightening to them that seem unusual but that is the nature of the condition. If you are better able to identify the triggers then you can come up with the answers.
  • Accept your child for what they are – Your child will indeed be different from other kids but it’s whether or not you are a glass-half-empty type of parent or a glass-half-full type of parent. Children with autism are incredibly special and they have skills that many other children don’t have so always look at the positive side of this condition. The important thing is to never give up when it comes to your child’s autism and with the right kind of guidance and patience, your kid can go on to have a whole lifetime full of happiness and development.
  • Always try to be consistent – Children with autism have a hard time dealing with any type of change so always try to be consistent in your attitude and in your behaviours. Your child will likely require some kind of therapy and the therapist will be using certain techniques you need to learn about these as well so that you can use them in your home. Always try to deal with the challenging behaviours that you come across in the same way every single time.
  • Create a schedule & stick to it – Autistic children excel in environments that are highly structured and that provide them with the same type of routine every single day. This means that breakfast, lunch and evening tea all need to happen at around the same times and always make sure that they go to bed at their regular bedtime. You should always take steps to make sure that there are no disruptions to their daily routine and if something is unavoidable then start telling your child as soon as possible.
  • Always give a reward for good behaviour – Positive reinforcement is so incredibly important when dealing with any child with autism and it can be something as simple as giving praise when they learn something new or they do something entirely appropriate for that time or situation. You can use rewards similar to the classroom where they get a gold star or some kind of other sticker to let them know that you appreciate their good behaviour.

Everyone wants to feel safe in their homes and this doesn’t change for children with autism. Your child needs to have a space inside your property that can allow them to relax, to feel completely safe and to be secure. You may have to set some boundaries that are clearly understood and it might be a good idea to spend some money and time safety-proofing areas around the house that might present dangers for your child.

Getting to know your child will consist of you learning about the many non-verbal cues that they give every single day and if you take your time and learn about them then it allows you to communicate in a much easier and understandable fashion.

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Barsha Bhattacharya


Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.

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