How To Tell Parents You’re Pregnant: Pick A Special Way To Let Them In On The Good News
Being parents for the first time is obviously happy as well as overwhelming. You want to let people know the good news and sometimes hide it till you are midway through the pregnancy. But you must be excited to share this good news with your parents, the grandparents of the baby. This is when the thought comes to your mind “how to tell parents you’re pregnant.”
You must be excited at the thought of sharing the good news with your parents. But not sure how to present the news? This article is filled with different ways you can tell your parents that you are expecting. This is an exciting moment for all going-to-be parents. This is an exciting time for the grandparents as well.
How To Tell Your Parents You’re Pregnant
You can make the moment a lot more exciting and fun if you share the good news in a creative way. They are becoming grandparents, this is very exciting news for them as well. You can get them a personalized onesie that would say, “Grandma and Grandpa, get ready for a little miracle! I’m pregnant!”

When you are planning the announcement, keep in mind the temperament of your parents and their sense of humor. The bet you can do is make the announcement when they are already in another event, by that, the element of surprise would be amazing. Read this article to learn about some fun ways in which you can let your parents know that you are expecting and they are becoming grandparents.
Here I have listed some fun ideas, which you can let them in on your good news.
Simple Grandparent Gifts For Announcing The Pregnancy
When it is time to turn the very best parents into grandparents, simple wording and packaging could go a long way. A sweet and sentimental onesies can win hearts and would get you a few happy tears as well. Keep it with them at their place and change it later for follow-up photos, and they will never forget it.
Booties For The Pregnancy Announcement
There is something endearing and iconic about a pair of knit baby booties. But if you do not have the time to knit one yourself, or lack the skills, you will find plenty of those online. Present them with one and break the news.
Surprise Box For Grandparents
You might not have the energy to go through a lot or might be a little busy at the moment. There is nothing to stress about it. You can get a surprise box that you will find in the store or online to announce the big news rather than prepare your own care package.
Pregnancy Announcement Grandparent Bling
This is the easiest and simplest way of breaking the good news. Give the grandmom-to-be a statement of jewelry and tell them the good news. The charm “grandma” will melt her heart the moment she sees it. You can customize the font and color the way you want and gift it to your mother. Add something or the other to it, like their birthstone with time, and see how this becomes her favorite possession.
Golfing Kit
If your parent is a golf lover, then this is the best gift you can give them. They will lose their mind once they open the golf set and check on the golf balls. This is a perfect way to break the pregnancy news, and the newly minted Gram and Gramps will get them to use it on the greens to show off their new status.
Wearable Pregnancy Announcement T-shirts
Get them a pair of t-shirts that says Grandpa and Grandma, and see the spark in their eyes. Be ready with the cameras when they open the box and capture the priceless moment.
Scratch-Off Pregnancy Announcement
The scratch-off cards are also an adorable way of letting them in on the good news. You will find these cards online. Some of these break the news. Simple yet exciting. You will get to check their reaction when they scratch off the card and discover what’s beneath the surface.
A Letter From The Baby To The Grandparents
Write a letter to the grandparents-to-be from the baby, and let them know that he or she whoever it is, is onboard and will meet them in no time. This is a simple yet thrilling way of letting your parents know that you are expecting.
Pregnancy Announcement Mug
You will find a lot of pregnancy announcement mugs, for instance, mugs that have the words “grandma” and “grandpa” engraved on them. You will get these in various designs and patterns, which would make it their favorite mug. There are mugs available on the internet which show the words when you pour a hot drink in them. You can go for those as well.
Open A Bottle of Wine
Coffee or tea is good, but what is better? Wine, of course. Take your parents for dinner, and for no reason, open a bottle of wine, and break the news. Get a bottle of their favorites, and look at how it works.
Frame an Ultrasound Picture
Frame the first picture from your first ultrasound and gift it to your parents. Capture this beautiful moment as their eyes light up, and this will also be a keepsake for your parents, which they will get to keep on display and hold on to for years to come.
Breaking the news of your pregnancy is a special moment, not just for you but for your parents as well. Cherish these moments while you can, as this will not last forever, and you will be left with the memories forever. So, make the most of it while you can.
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