When Does Morning Sickness Start And End? How To Manage?
Are you feeling sick, nauseous, or feel like vomiting? If you think you are a couple of days late for your periods, then it is possible that you are pregnant. And that can be one of the best moments for you.
But the initial joy and excitement are over, then the irritating part begins. Morning sickness can be a real bitch sometimes. But it is also a reassuring symptom that you are expecting a baby or even babies.
If you are a first-time pregnant, then you might not know what to expect with morning sickness. Or even how long it lasts?
Let me help you know everything you want to.
What Is Morning Sickness?

Morning sickness is the name given to symptoms of nausea and vomiting as signs of pregnancy. Signs of morning sickness usually start very early during pregnancy. During the first trimester, morning sickness usually starts, and it often lasts till 14-16 weeks of your pregnancy.
It is to be known that the term “morning sickness” is not accurate. The feeling of nausea and vomiting can happen at any point of the day, not just in the morning.
The severity of morning sickness is different for different women. For some women, the symptoms of vomiting and nausea can be mild, while for some, the signs are severe.
When Does Morning Sickness Start?
As I said, morning sickness is a sign that you might be pregnant. Though the term “morning sickness” is misused and inaccurate, as morning sickness happens a lot of times in a day. It doesn’t happen only in the morning.
A few of the most stereotypical signs of morning sickness in a pregnant woman are intense vomiting and nausea. The vomiting normally starts in the morning when you wake up.
From then, the signs only accelerate. Sometimes the throwing up happens more often in a day in the initial stages. Even the smell of a few food items is nauseous triggering for you.
Normally, morning sickness starts when you are about 6 weeks pregnant. In certain cases, women have reported experiencing signs of morning sickness during 4 weeks of pregnancy. 4 weeks means after 2 weeks of conception!
When Does Morning Sickness End?
When the morning sickness starts, then the only thing you wish for daily, is when would this nightmare end?
For most expecting new mothers, this nightmare of morning sickness starts to end within 12 to 14 weeks. That is around when your second trimester starts.
Around 16 to 20 weeks of time, you would see that the morning sickness is totally gone. But it is possible that about 10% of all women can still experience morning sickness throughout their pregnancy.
Also, it is possible that morning sickness can resurface again during your third trimester. This happens again because your baby is getting bigger and squishes your intestine and stomach. That pressure makes you feel nauseous.
What Does Morning Sickness Feel Like?
Morning sickness often varies from woman to woman. But most of the stereotypical signs of morning sickness are quite common:
- Vomiting
- Pregnancy Nausea
- Low energy and dizzy feeling
- Cramps and stomach pain
Other than these symptoms, most women experience morning sickness after being triggered by certain food items or smells.
Other than these obvious symptoms, women experience other symptoms such as thirst, dizzy feeling, fainting, frequent urination, and also dark urine. Even dehydration can be a serious symptom.
How Can You Manage Morning Sickness?
Now that you know when does morning sickness start and also when it ends? But now, the main thing for you to know is how to manage your morning sickness?
Morning sickness is a very normal and healthy sign of pregnancy, but you don’t have to suffer for three months. There are some tips and tricks for you to get some relief during your morning sickness.
- Try to eat small meals quite frequently. A full stomach causes you to have worse morning sickness symptoms.
- You should eat that has carbs and proteins and try to avoid greasy or heavy food.
- Drink plenty of fluid all day in small sips.
- Ginger helps a lot with morning sickness. So drink ginger tea and eat ginger bites.
- Try to avoid any strong smell.
- You should drink plenty of peppermint tea.
- Keep crackers on your bedside table, and eat one before getting out of bed in the morning.
- Go for foods that you won’t have to cook, such as salad, fruits, smoothies, or even sandwiches.
- If you are feeling nauseous, sniffing lemons can help a lot. Or you should drink lemonade occasionally.
- Try to get as much exercise as you can, like walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga.
Frequently Asked Questions!
Though the name morning sickness is inaccurate, the symptom can appear any time of the day. It normally starts around the 6th week of your pregnancy and ends around your 16 to 18 weeks of pregnancy.
When you are pregnant, the hormone hCG that initiates morning sickness is higher when you are carrying a girl child. But that doesn’t mean with boys it is easier.
The symptoms of morning sickness usually worsen around the 7th to 10th week of pregnancy. Most women start to feel good during their second trimester.
Morning sickness is a very common and healthy sign of pregnancy. If you are unaware of your pregnancy, then with morning sickness, you can get the initial signs. Morning sickness starts in your first trimester and ends during the second trimester.
But there are a few things that can help you control your morning sickness and cope with pregnancy nausea. There are a number of household remedies that helps you with your morning sickness as well.
If your morning sickness doesn’t stop by your second trimester, then you should definitely consult your midwife or your doctor. If you are showing signs of dehydration, then immediate medical attention is urgent.
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