Can cinnamon cause a miscarriage

Can Cinnamon Cause a Miscarriage? Here’s the Truth!

Congratulations! We are happy to know that you are expecting. This is a time when you need to take care of yourself more than anything, and that includes even the small details starting from your eating habits to your sleeping position; everything has to be perfect. Getting scared? Overwhelmed? Well, don’t be. We are here to help.

Pregnancy can be difficult for your food habits; as your taste changes, you may not like some of your foods anymore or may start liking those you never preferred before. Along with that, there are many old wives’ tale that tells pregnant women what they should eat and what they should not. 

One such item is cinnamon. It has been said that cinnamon causes miscarriage. But can cinnamon cause a miscarriage? This aromatic spice is quite rich and flavorful and might be your absolute favorite. Let’s get into the details and find out if it is safe for you to have cinnamon during pregnancy.

Different Types Of Cinnamon

Different Types Of Cinnamon

There are mainly two different types of cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon, and cassia cinnamon.

Ceylon cinnamon is the one that has a sweet taste along with a delicate flavor. This comes from the bark of an evergreen tree. It has different uses, and the flavor is slightly mild than traditional cinnamon.

Cassia Cinamon is a little more potent, and the flavor is also a bit more intense. This is a type of cinnamon that is found mostly in baking. Cassia cinnamon also comes from the bark of an evergreen tree which is found in China mostly. 

Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Health Benefits Of Cinnamon

Cinnamon has got some amazing health benefits when taken in small amounts, which can be an advantage for pregnant ladies. Let’s see what are the prominent health benefits.

Strengthen The Immune System

The immune system of females gets altered drastically during pregnancy. This is the time when they are vulnerable and prone to illness and different infections, which could prove to be harmful to both the mother and the baby as well. The antioxidants in cinnamon help strengthen the immune system and build it tough.

Lowers Blood Sugar Level

Diabetes is among the most common complications that a woman face during pregnancy. It has the capability of creating complications like preterm labor and poor fetal development. Cinnamon helps in reducing the symptoms of diabetes, like, high levels of blood sugar, and also improves insulin sensitivity in pregnant women.

It Helps Reduce Blood Pressure

During pregnancy, women become prone to high blood pressure or hypertension. This can create complications like stroke or kidney damage. In extreme cases, this can also lead to brain damage. Cinnamon helps in reducing hypertension and sometimes is used to treat it as well. Of course, no risk should be taken, and if there are signs of hypertension, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Fights Gestational Diabetes

Though the thought of gaining weight is something every woman detests, be it during pregnancy or not, this is something that is inevitable while you are pregnant. When you gain weight, the risk of getting gestational diabetes increases. This is a very common issue during the last two trimesters. High birth weight, stillbirth, and hypoglycemia are some common risks that can be caused because of this during pregnancy. 

How Much Cinnamon Is Safe During Pregnancy?

How Much Cinnamon Is Safe During Pregnancy

Actually, the question should be how much coumarin is safe during pregnancy. Some professionals recommend that for each pound, a person should consume 0.05 mg of coumarin. This level is suggested as this intake does not have any risk. 

There are others who suggest that the daily intake amount should be limited to ½ to 1 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon. But there have researches that show that pregnant women can take upto 6gms of cinnamon without getting any side effects.

Ways In Which Cinnamon Can Be Harmful During Pregnancy

Ways in which cinnamon can be harmful during pregnancy

Can cinnamon cause a miscarriage? Every food has got some health benefits, but if exploited, it can be dangerous. This is exactly the case with cinnamon. If too much cinnamon is consumed, it can become a risk for a pregnant woman. If you are worried that cinnamon can be the reason for miscarriage, then read below:

Induces Periods

Consuming cinnamon in a high quantity can induce a miscarriage. Cinnamon has got certain properties that mimic hormones that trigger labor, irrespective of the form in which you have consumed cinnamon. If the recommended quantity exceeds, this can be risky and can increase uterine contractions and increases the chance of miscarriage.

Excessive Bleeding

Blood has got platelets, and these are in the bone marrow, which is actually responsible for clotting. This is important to avoid excessive bleeding, especially when in labor. Consuming too much cinnamon reduces the platelet count. This makes the blood thin and ultimately leads to bleeding excessively. This can be really dangerous for the baby and the mother. 

Allergic To Cinnamon

Pregnancy can make pregnant women allergic to cinnamon without their knowledge. Allergies can trigger complications and can even lead to death if left unattended and untreated. So keep an eye out to find out if you are allergic and get immediate medical help if you see any symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Indigestion And Heartburn

The spicy flavor of cinnamon can irritate the digestive system, and during pregnancy, women are already prone to heartburn and indigestion. Pregnancy hormones can take a toll on the body. Though this does not harm the mother or the baby directly in any way, it is best to avoid the intake of cinnamon in large quantities.

Liver Damage

Coumarin, present in cinnamon, can become toxic to the liver. This is something that is found in certain plants and is used to add flavor to sweet foods. Consuming this in large quantities can cause liver damage, and pregnant should be really careful about their daily intake. Symptoms of liver damage are abdominal pain, jaundice, and fatigue.

Can Cinnamon Cause A Miscarriage?

Cinnamon can cause situations that can lead to a miscarriage when consumed in large quantities, like inducing labor, liver damage, and excessive bleeding. It all depends on the quantity of intake. Again here comes the debate, “how much is too much?” There are a few guidelines that health professionals have provided, but more intensive research is required.

Using Cinnamons to Improve Health During Pregnancy

Using Cinnamons to Improve Health During Pregnancy

There are healthy ways of using cinnamon during pregnancy if you want to get the best results. But you have to stay mindful about the amount the type of cinnamon you are taking. Here’s a guide to help you –

Amount: As per the U.S. Department of Agriculture, you cannot take 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon daily as a safe amount. 

Type: Another thing to consider is the type of cinnamon you are taking during pregnancy. If it’s Ceylon cinnamon, then avoid taking it in large quantities during pregnancy. 

Interaction: cinnamon can interact with different body conditions you already have. For example, if you have blood sugar or blood pressure issues, then it’s best to avoid cinnamon during pregnancy.

Consuming Cinnamon for Benefits During Pregnancy: The Right Way!

Yes, having cinnamon during pregnancy can be beneficial if you are maintaining the right quantity. However, here are the best ways of consuming cinnamon when you are pregnant –

  • You can steep cinnamon bark or stick it in the hot water and make tea. 
  • The next way to make it interesting is by putting it into salads, oatmeal, soups, porridge, or smoothies. 
  • You can also add cinnamon to the water to detox the water. Try adding lemon slices, honey, and a cinnamon stick to it. 
  • Have bedtime drinks and add cinnamon to it for better sleep.

How About Cinnamon Essential Oil During Pregnancy?

How About Cinnamon Essential Oil During Pregnancy?

If you want to consume cinnamon during pregnancy, it’s fine until you are maintaining a proper amount and having it in moderation. But what about cinnamon oil? Are they effective? Or is there any risk of having them during pregnancy.?

Well, there may be some benefits, but there are some side effects as well. It’s best not to ingest or apply undiluted essential oils during gestation. Doing so can cause unpleasant or harmful side effects during pregnancy. In addition, essential oil infestation has often been associated with miscarriage, toxicity risks, and fetal distress. 

As per several researches, cinnamon bark, clove, or cassia essential oils can have eugenol. It gets absorbed into the bloodstream, leading to miscarriage. 

It’s best to maintain pregnancy-specific tips and stay away from applying oils onto the skin directly during gestation. If you are using career oils mixed into essential oils, it’s best to dilute them first. 

Other Foods That Can Cause Miscarriage  

While it is suggested that you avoid consuming too much cinnamon during pregnancy, it is not the only food item that you need to stay away from. There are other popular food items that you need to particularly break up with when you are pregnant.  

Below is a list of all those foods that you need to avoid during pregnancy:  


While you can still enjoy the taste of a rich, delicious yellow papaya, unripe papayas are strictly forbidden when it comes to pregnancy. Raw papaya is rich in Latex, a component that stimulates contractions in the uterine. Also, the papain content in raw papayas limits the growth of the fetus.  

Sesame Seeds  

In the past, dry sesame seeds were great as an abortion-inducing medicine. Sesame seeds fertilize egg cells to get barred by stimulating the muscles in the uterus. During the first few very important months of pregnancy, it is better to stay away from it. However, you may still enjoy other dry nuts like raisins, almonds, walnuts, and groundnuts – but in moderate amounts.  


While pregnant women are not strictly forbidden to consume caffeine during pregnancy, it is better the quantity they consume each day. Caffeine easily absorbs itself in the placenta, thus moving to the fetus swiftly.  High amounts of caffeine in blood during pregnancy reduce fetal growth, further increasing the chance of delivering an underweight baby.  


Being one of the most common cooking items in every house, Ajinomoto also makes a very frequent appearance in street foods. It is mainly used to make Chinese food, a food that is loved all around the world. However, it is not the healthiest thing to eat during pregnancy. Ajinomoto has a major impact on the brain development of the baby. It is also advisable to avoid it during normal times to avoid fertility issues.  

Half Or Uncooked Eggs  

If you wish to eat eggs, make sure they are well-cooked. Go for a full-boiled egg where the white and the yolk are firm. This reduces the risk of food poisoning from salmonella. Do not eat mayonnaise that has raw eggs in it.  


Bromelain is present in pineapples, which softens the cervix and causes an early delivery. However, the impact of the substance only happens as a result of too much pineapple consumption during pregnancy.  Eating a piece or two shall not have any effects on your pregnancy.  


Because grapes are popular for increasing body temperature, pregnant women need to avoid grapes to reduce any risk of complications. Resveratrol, a component available in grapes, causes imbalances in hormones, resulting in a host of pregnancy problems.  

Fenugreek And Fennel Seeds  

These items are carefully put in dishes for flavors, but having them in excess amounts is absolutely not a great idea during pregnancy. The high content of phytoestrogens available in these seeds strengthens the compression of the uterine lining. It facilitates uterine cleansing, increases the production of milk, and even starts menstruation.  

Refined Flour-Based Products  

Try to keep as much distance as you can from products that are made from refined flour, like noodles, bread, pita, spaghetti, pizza, and cookies. Avoid any packaged or ready-made foods like sauces and pickles as they contain a high volume of preservatives, along with chemicals that might harm the developing baby.  

Wrapping Up!

Cinnamon is a spice that has been in use for more than a thousand years. It has got a range of health benefits as well. The antioxidants boost the immunity system within the body and can be of great benefit to the mothers, but you have to keep in mind that excess intake can be harmful during this stage.

There are some widely asked questions like, “Can cinnamon cause a miscarriage” or

“Can cinnamon pills cause a miscarriage” or “Can they take cinnamon supplements while pregnancy” or “Is it okay to use cinnamon oil?”

It is best to avoid any kind of cinnamon supplements during pregnancy. Applying cinnamon il externally or smelling it can be harmless but avoid using it internally.

Overall, even if you are consuming cinnamon in different forms, consult a doctor to know the proper dosage, and whenever you feel there is any complication, consult a doctor immediately.

Additional Reading:

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Shahnawaz Alam


Shahnawaz is a dreamer, a living jukebox of rhetoric, music, art, poetry, and comics. Son to a single father, Shahnawaz has always been a keen observer of parenting – more importantly, looking at parenting from different angles. Shahnawaz holds a master's degree in English literature and loves to spend time in nature, admiring its beauty. While he’s not pondering upon the dynamics of parent-children relationships, he lets J. Alfred Prufrock be the piper of Hamelin and often sleepwalks to his monologues.

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