How to get periods immediately to avoid pregnancy

How To Get Periods Immediately To Avoid Pregnancy?

Physical activity or sexual activity is important for maintaining a healthy relationship and life with your significant other. But it is always better to take precautions to avoid any unwanted pregnancy. How to get periods immediately to avoid pregnancy? This is a common issue these days, and missing your period can be a sign of pregnancy, and there are various contraceptive methods, but a natural method is always preferred. 

I have come across many people who have missed their period and are eagerly waiting for answers to questions like how to get periods immediately if delayed or how to get periods immediately in one day, or how to get your period in one hour. Well, there is no shortcut, and it isn’t actually possible to get it in an hour. 

Then there are people who get irregular periods, and for them, every month is worrisome. The more you are stressed, the more it will be delayed. And there are situations when you would want to get your period immediately, but it takes more than an hour to induce your period. Making a few changes in lifestyle can be of real help in this situation. 

A Brief Introduction To The Fertility Cycle

Fertility Cycle

How to get periods immediately to avoid pregnancy? This is something that can help you to avoid pregnancy. Understanding your menstrual cycle is needed to avoid pregnancy, as well as getting pregnant. The menstrual cycle is actually the process in which the body prepares the uterus for pregnancy. Let’s discuss the main phases.

  • Menstrual bleeding: The first day of the menstrual cycle is actually the first day of bleeding. This phase lasts about 1 to 5 days, but since every female body is different, it can last from 3 days to almost 7 days. 
  • Follicular phase: This phase lasts from almost the 6th day to the 14th day from the beginning of the cycle. In this phase, the estrogen level grows to make the lining thick to support the fertilized egg. The FSH, or the follicle-stimulating hormone, helps the follicle to grow in the ovaries.
  • Ovulation: From the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, ovulation starts. This is when the matured egg is released from the ovary.
  • Luteal Phase: Here, the progesterone level gets up to prepare the uterus for pregnancy. This happens between the 15th to 28th day of the cycle, and the egg travels down to the uterus from the fallopian tube. If the egg is fertilized, then it gets attached to the uterus, and it becomes a successful pregnancy; if not, then there is again shedding of the lining and hats when you get your period.

Benefits Of Avoiding Pregnancy Naturally

It is absolutely okay if you do not want to get any kind of medicine or contraceptive pills. Doing things naturally is always a good choice. Well, there are some advantages as well of using natural methods to prevent pregnancy.

  • Easy accessibility: Natural methods, such as home remedies, are cost-effective and easily accessible. These may be something like using natural ingredients like parsley, papaya, and neem.
  • No side-effects: Natural remedies are generally devoid of side effects and are very effective also. Contraceptive pills can have some side effects, which these are free of.
  • Natural: Natural methods are non-invasive, and no medicine or medical procedure, or devices are required. People who are not willing to go for contraceptive pills or hormonal pills can easily opt for these methods as they are completely safe.

How To Get Periods Immediately Through Herbal Remedies?

How To Get Periods Immediately Through Herbal Remedies

How to get periods immediately to avoid pregnancy? There are various herbs that have been used since the beginning of time to prevent unwanted pregnancy. 

1. Neem Tree Extract

Neem Tree Extract

In traditional medicine, neem tree extract has been used for a long period of time as a natural contraceptive. They are believed to be used in the form of vaginal tablets as well, the extract is combined with other herbs, and the mixture acts as a spermicide to prevent pregnancy. But a lot of research is required to confirm if this is actually effective or not. 

2. Castor Bean

Castor Bean

According to early research, consuming a peeled castor seed can prevent pregnancy for almost about 8 to 12 months. This is not enough evidence, and further research is required to prove this fact.

3. Wild Carrot Seed

Wild Carrot Seed

This herb is popularly known as Queen Anne’s lace, and women have been using it as a natural contraceptive for centuries. Again, more research is required to prove this fact.

4. Gossypol


This is a pigment that is derived from cotton-like plants. It reduces the proper functioning of the sperm, and it is important to mention that, in some cases, it can lead to infertility as well.

How To Get Periods Early Through Home Remedies?

How To Get Periods Early Through Home Remedies

There are various foods that have been proven to help in regulating the hormones or cause contractions in the uterus that triggers your periods. Here are the best food and home remedies that can help you get your periods immediately.

1. Ginger


Ginger is something that is known to trigger contractions in the uterus and causes periods quickly. To get the best possible benefits, it is better to consume ginger raw or have some ginger tea.

2. Parsley


There are two chemicals in parsley that increase uterine contractions, that are myristicin and apiol. This induces periods quickly. Two cups of parsley tea which should be equivalent to three cups of water should be consumed every day for best results.

Adding three teaspoons of dry herbs to two cups of boiled water can work wonders. Parsley tea can be consumed twice a day.

3. Papaya


This is something that has been traditionally used for a long time to regulate periods. The high quantity of carotene promotes estrogen production and hence induces periods. Eating one papaya a day or drinking 2 glasses of papaya juice twice a day can be helpful. Eating one bowl of ripe papaya or a cup of papaya juice mid-cycle can help in inducing periods.

4. Dates


Eating dates heats up the body, which can trigger uterine contractions, which ultimately helps in inducing periods faster.

5. Turmeric


Turmeric is known to help with the periods getting faster. You can add some turmeric to warm milk or add it to your daily meals.

6. Celery


Drinking celery juice can be an effective way of getting your periods early. This is something that has been recommended by experts as it is a safe and all-natural way. Drinking this twice in one day can be a good way to maintain a healthy menstrual cycle. This helps in the flowing of blood to the pelvic region.

7. Coriander Seeds

Coriander Seeds

Coriander seeds have some inbuilt properties that stimulate or increase the flow of blood. This is something that is believed to be one of the most efficient home remedies for irregular periods. Boil two cups of water with one teaspoon of coriander and then reduce it to one cup, then strain the mixture and drink the juice three times in one day for two days before the start of your period.

8. Foods Rich In Vitamin C

Foods Rich In Vitamin C

It is likely that you will get your periods early with a diet that is rich in vitamin C. This will help you get a more regular cycle and also regularise it by increasing the estrogen levels in the body. An increase in the level of hormones can increase the uterine contractions. 

Vitamin C also lowers the progesterone level, which will stimulate an early period. Citrus fruits, vegetables like broccoli, tomato, bell peppers, and also kiwi are rich in vitamin C.

9. Carom seeds

Carom seeds

Carom seeds or ajwain are helpful for inducing periods and also act as a cramp reliever. Boil a cup of water, along with a tablespoon of jaggery and a teaspoon of carrom seeds together and drink it in the morning and let it do the magic.

10. Pomegranate


Having pomegranate juice can be very helpful for someone who is trying to get their period. Start drinking two to three cups of pomegranate juice a day fifteen days before the start of your regular date.

11. Sesame Seeds

Sesame Seeds

This is a natural as well s ancient way to get your periods. Eating them in moderation will induce periods and will do so without any side effects. Eat this 15 days before your expected date for menstruation. You can eat one tablespoon of ground sesame seeds in hot water twice one day, or you can just take plain or fried sesame seeds with honey two to three times a day.

How To Induce Period Faster Through Medicines?

How To Induce Period Faster Through Medicines

How to get periods immediately to avoid pregnancy? Taking tablets to get periods immediately to avoid pregnancy is not something that is always recommended, but misoprostol, along with mifepristone, are tablets to get periods immediately within two hours. Mifepristone is a drug that is anti-progestational, and misoprostol is a prostaglandin that is mainly used to get avoid unwanted pregnancy.

But needless to say, there are side-effects of these medications like getting cramps, nausea even diarrhea. So it is best to see a gynecologist before taking any of these medicines.

Inducing Periods Through Yoga

Periods Through Yoga

How to get periods immediately to avoid pregnancy? If you have seen some changes in your menstrual cycle, it is best to change your lifestyle a bit and maintain a healthy routine. Here are some yoga poses listed below that can help you regulate your menstrual cycle.

1. Dhanurasana Or Bow Pose

Bow Pose

This is one of the healthiest positions for your reproductive system. In this pose, the body is shaped like a bow or Dhanush. It not only helps the reproductive system but lowers belly fat and strengthens thighs, ankles, and spine.

Set Up

  • Lay down on the floor, on your stomach.


  • Breathe in and fold your legs towards the back.
  • Take your arms to the back and grab your ankle.
  • The stomach is going to support the weight of the body.
  • Hold the position for at least ten seconds and then get back to the initial position.

Mistakes You Should Avoid

  • Do not hold the top of your feet.
  • Do not rotate your shoulder joint abruptly.
  • Let go of the position slowly.
  • Breathe slowly. Never hold your breath.

2. Ustrasana Or Camel Pose

Camel Pose

This is a great practice if you are looking for ways to reduce cramps and induce periods. It will strengthen your spine and shoulders and enhance your posture and flexibility.

Set Up

  • To begin with, kneel on the floor.
  • Check if your knees and shoulders are aligned.


  • Extend the body backward while holding your kneels.
  • Tilt your head in the backward direction and bring your hips forward.
  • Hold the position or posture for at least twenty-five seconds before going back to the initial position.

Mistakes You Should Avoid

  • Do not keep your thighs upright.
  • Make sure your heels reach.

3. Bhujangasana Or Cobra Pose

Cobra Pose

Again this is a beneficial pose for the reproductive system. It also helps in enhancing the blood flow in our body, metabolism, and chest opening. While doing this pose, try not to lock your elbow in, or do not place your hands wrong.

Set Up

  • Lay flat on your stomach.
  • Keep your palms on the ground towards your face and keep the knees together.


  • Inhale and push your palms down to lift up your shoulders and arms.
  • Stretch and extend your neck as much as it goes.
  • Stay in the position for a few minutes and then return to basics.

Mistakes You Should Avoid

  • Lifting the hips up.
  • Placing your hands the wrong way.
  • Do not lock your elbows.

4. Baddha konasana Or Butterfly Pose

Butterfly Pose

If you are facing menstrual issues, then this is the right pose for you. It benefits blood circulation, stimulates organs like the bladder and kidneys, and mostly the reproductive system.

Set Up

  • To begin with, sit down and bend your knees.
  • Keep the soles of your feet together on the ground.


  • Hold your feet tightly, and flutter your thighs up and down, and do not move your feet.
  • Keep doing this for ten to fifteen minutes.

Mistakes You Should Avoid

  • Do not force the knees down with your hands.
  • Try not to bend your back and shoulder.

Inducing Periods Through Exercises

Periods Through Exercises

Some exercises are listed below that can help to regulate your periods early.

1. Squats


Doing some lower-body exercises can help you get starters with your periods early. They stimulate the muscles in the belly and pelvic area. Try and avoid the common mistakes like leaving the squat in between or crossing the knees o toes, and do not forget to start the movement from your hips and not knees.

2. Sit-Ups


Another menstruation-inducing exercise is sit-ups. This continued action can create tension in the abdominal muscles and thus induce periods. Do not forget to put your hands behind your neck.

3. Abdominal Twists

Abdominal Twists

Twisting the abdomen can activate the blood flow and muscles in the lower portion of the body. Once you have been the master of twists, you can increase the difficulty level with a medicine ball.

4. Scissors


This exercise can loosen the inner thighs and pelvic muscles to regulate your periods. Do not accelerate fast, keep your back straight, and do not move your arms.

Other Activities To Get Your Periods Faster

There are some other ways you can try, apart from exercise and nutrition, to get your periods instantly. 

1. Sex

Sexual activities help compress the uterus and calm the vagina, and the hormones that are generated by the female body during sexual activities can trigger periods.

2. Hot Water Bag

These are known to reduce menstrual cramps, but it also acts as a natural remedy when your periods are delayed. It will help ease the discomfort that you feel if you keep the hot compress for 10-15 minutes and continue this for 2 to 3 hours.

3. Massage

Massage your lower abdomen to get your periods faster; it increases the blood flow in the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. This will help to start the menstrual cycle. Massage your bloated uterus and get some relief.

4. Avoid Stress

Stress increases the level of cortisol and CRH or corticotropin-releasing hormones. These reduce the normal release of reproductive hormones resulting in less ovulation and delayed periods. Do things that will keep you calm and de-stress.

If you can figure out that you are stressed and also know the reason behind it, then it is best to try a few remedies to stay clear of it. The steroid hormone cortisol is released when a person is stressed and is a major reason behind menstrual irregularities. You can try out a few things to get some relief.

  • Try some breathing exercises.
  • Take a quick stroll.
  • Take a steamy shower, or take a long bubble bath.
  • Take some time out for a romantic session with your partner or masturbation.

When To See A Doctor?

Delayed periods can happen for various physiological and physical reasons. It is best not to talk about any risk and consult a doctor right away when you see anything wrong with your reproductive health. Here are a few signs to look out for:

  • If you have missed your periods for a month or more
  • Soreness and irritation in the vagina
  • Abdominal pain for a long period of time
  • Your periods are delayed for more than a week


“How to get periods in one hour?” This is a very commonly searched question on the internet. But there is no magical fix for this. But there are solutions and remedies that can help you get your periods sooner. How to get periods immediately to avoid pregnancy?

The above-mentioned reasons are believed to be helpful, try the home remedies, eat some healthy food, do yoga to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and I promise, you will see some positive changes in your cycle.

Additional Reading:

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Subhasree Nag


Subhasree is a content writer who is passionate about traveling, writing, and reading books. In her leisure time, she is seen listening to music and watching web series. Writing along with music and dance are ways in which she expresses herself.

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