Halloween Switch Witch That We Don’t Want This Halloween

The Halloween Switch Witch That We Don’t Want This Halloween

First, we met Elf on the Shelf. Now, we have the Switch Witch, a brand-new Halloween tradition that includes children trading in candies for gifts. Similar to the Elf, this exciting ritual just adds to the workload of the parents. As parents, when you are already going around trying to pull off artsy, intricate costumes and coordinating trick-or-treating with family and friends, you don’t need more work on your plate. 

But multiple Switch Witch Critics say that eliminating this experience is equivalent to robbing your children of a Halloween rite of passage – eating too many Halloween candies!

Wait, Who Is The Switch Witch?

Basically, when a child goes out for trick-or-treating on Halloween and returns home with their collection of candies, you make them choose any five of their favorite ones. The rest goes outside for the Switch Witch. The Switch Witch replaced the left-out candy with a gift the very next morning.

Of course, this will ensure that your kid doesn’t eat too many candies and makes Halloween so much more exciting. 

But What’s The Problem?

Children have been eating way too much candies on this one day for decades now. Why take this time-honored tradition away from our kids? It’s a cultural birthright to stuff your face with candies on Halloween. 

Moreover, Halloween presents the ideal opportunity to teach your kids self-control and moderation – instead of forcing them to give their candies away for a present. 

Also, it doesn’t seem like a great idea financially. With Thanksgiving and Christmas around the corner, parents are stretched thin in terms of their budgets, especially parents of multiple children. So, shelling out money separately for gifts after paying for all the candies that will ultimately get thrown away doesn’t make sense. 

Besides, dressing up on Halloween to step out and ask the neighbors for candies seems like the only tradition we have that is simple and just like how it used to be when we were children. Can’t we just leave it absolutely this way?

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Barsha Bhattacharya


Barsha Bhattacharya is a senior content writing executive. As a marketing enthusiast and professional for the past 4 years, writing is new to Barsha. And she is loving every bit of it. Her niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Barsha loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink.

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