what liquid turns a pregnancy test positive

What Liquid Turns A Pregnancy Test Positive: How To Use An hCG Solution To Get A Positive Reading

What liquid turns a pregnancy test positive? This is a no-brainer- the urine of a pregnant woman. However, if you are looking for ways to make a test read positive to prank someone, there are ways to make it yield a false positive. 

It is advisable, however, not to take extreme measures or illicit steps for an ordinary prank. It can have life-altering consequences. With that thought, let’s dive deeper into the topic. 

How do these pregnancy tests work?

When you take a test for pregnancy, it checks for the amount of hCG or human chorionic gonadotropin in your body. This is mainly traced through your blood or your pee. It takes some time to settle and build in the body. 

With the growing days of pregnancy, your body creates more hCG. With growing weeks, the amount of hCG in your body increases. When the amount of hCG in the body is high, the chance of getting a positive pregnancy test result is higher.

This means when you take a pregnancy test too early in the month, the result is going to be negative. These tests work when they react with the amount of hCG in either blood or pee. When it is tested with urine, a reactive paper is used to detect the presence of hCG in the blood. 

There are different types of tests available in the market; some show a plus sign, some come up with two red lines, and some digital tests show the word “pregnant.” Read the directions properly to know how it is going to look and follow the instructions properly.

Most of the tests have a control window that comes first. When you see the symbol, you can be sure that the test is working. However, different brands take different amounts of time to show results.

In case of a blood test, the collector is going to take a sample of your blood and send it to the lab, where they will determine the amount of hCG present in your blood and provide you with a result.

Types of pregnancy test

As I mentioned above, there are two types of pregnancy tests: blood test and urine test. Mostly, people take pregnancy test kits at home to conduct a urine test at home. However, you can take a pregnancy test at the healthcare provider’s office as well.

At-home tests

For any at-home pregnancy test, the kit detects the presence of hCG in your pee. It has special strips that detect hCG. If you use the pregnancy test correctly, it comes almost 99% correct. 

You will find these test kits in most drugstores or grocery stores. They are not expensive and very easy to use. 

Blood test

People mostly keep blood tests as their second choice. Because they are expensive. They have to collect the same, and it takes time to get the results as well. 

This test can not only determine the presence of the hormone in your body but also the amount of hormone present in the blood. In special circumstances, a blood test is conducted, for instance, if the person is going through infertility treatment or when there is some medical issue.

How Do Home Pregnancy Tests Work?

How Do Home Pregnancy Tests Work

Human chorionic gonadotropin is the hormone produced by the body of a pregnant woman, especially at the beginning of the pregnancy. These tests indicate the presence of this hormone in the urine, but they do not indicate its amount.

Most of these home pregnancy tests are sensitive to this hormone and are able to accurately detect hCG when tested within the first few days of the pregnancy. Therefore, a large amount of this hormone need not be present in the sample. 

Can You Buy hCG Solution Over-The-Counter?

Can You Buy hCG Solution Over

Yes, you can buy hCG solutions over the counter. Plus, you will find these solutions online, usually for weight loss. But to be very honest, these products don’t really have any real hCG in their ingredients. So it can’t turn a pregnancy test positive.

These over-the-counter hCG drops are derived from herbal sources that are designed to imitate the same characteristics. And if you do find any solution containing real human hCG, then it will be so diluted that it cannot turn a pregnancy test positive. 

How Can You Get Real hCG?

How Can You Get Real hCG

In order to prank someone (highly questionable), you may be looking for ways to fake a positive pregnancy test.

Doctors can help you to source real hCG. It is a prescription drug that is used to cure female infertility and other hormonal problems. Doctors or medical experts usually administer this in the form of injections. A few drops of this liquid could turn a pregnancy test positive, but the tough part is getting your hands on these vials. As it is, lying to a doctor to get prescribed a certain drug is illegal, and it’s really not worth breaking the law to prank someone or play a trick. 

How To MAKE A Pregnancy Test Positive?

Pregnancy Test Positive

Other substances could work, too. Drinks such as soda or apple juice could make your pregnancy test positive. The sugars in these drinks can trip the test into thinking it’s real hCG. Pouring a small amount of these drinks and then dipping the test into it for about a minute can show positive results. Taking the test according to the instructions can detect a false pregnancy. 

Remember that home pregnancy tests are 99% accurate. So in order to get a fake pregnancy, you might have to test several of these before the desired results. 

Is It Possible To Increase The Likelihood Of A False Positive?

It is possible to do so, but you have to use either an expired test or a previously used test. Using a test more than once can yield the false result you desire. 

Expired tests lose out on reliability, which makes them more likely to give false readings. If you are inhibited to test it on your own sample, you can also try plain water. At this point, an expired test can trip on any liquid. 

You can also try leaving the test out for a bit. With time, another line will show up. This line is caused by evaporation, and if this is all for banter, it’s worth a try. 

Is There Anything Else?

  • Now that we have learned all about the hCG solutions, there is something else that can turn a pregnancy test positive. And that is urine. Urine is the most common substance that has the capability of turning a pregnancy test positive. 
  • When you have been affected by any kind of infection, your urine might accumulate compounds that are similar to hCG or human chorionic gonadotropin. This is the hormone that is responsible for giving a positive test result and is produced by the placenta.
  • Blood is another substance that often turns a pregnancy test positive. If you recently had an injury or some kind of physical altercation, then there is a chance that your blood has some substances or proteins that can give a positive result to your pregnancy test.
  • In a home test kit, you can check for the presence of hCG hormones in your urine and detect the pregnancy. But if you want to manipulate the results into a false positive, no matter what the actual result is, you can try to alter the composition of your urine sample by adding a little bit of detergent or soap.
  • Well, this is not exactly a liquid, but when we are talking about the other ways to turn a pregnancy test positive, then why not look into this method as well? Try keeping the test kit under a hairdryer and keep the heat setting at the highest for at least five to ten minutes. This often gives a positive test result and lasts upto three days.
  • It is true that expired pregnancy kits often give false positive results, so it is important that you keep in mind that this process might be difficult to achieve, as these expired kits are not technically sold in any drug stores.


If you are conflicted about certain things that pregnancy tests entail, you may find the answers below. Here are some common questions that you may be curious about:

Can I Use Water Or Any Other Liquid For A Pregnancy Test?

When answering what liquid turns a pregnancy test positive, it is safe to say there is no other way of determining a pregnancy with a home kit other than using urine. Other drinks do not have hCG hormone, which makes a pregnancy test read positive. Liquids such as water, juice, or soda do not contain hCG and won’t give credible readings. 

There may be rumors or baited online sources claiming that a certain liquid can turn a pregnancy test positive. Do not fall for such false beliefs, as they have no scientific evidence to support the claims. The pregnancy kits are sensitive to the right ingredients and will yield the correct results. Following the instructions carefully will do the trick. 

Can Medications Or Substances Affect The Pregnancy Test Results?

Some medicines, such as fertility drugs, contain hCG, which can alter the test results to some extent. You must talk to your doctor and read the instructions on the pregnancy test kit to rule out any criterias that may affect the test.

Can A Pregnancy Test Detect A Very Early Pregnancy?

Many commercial pregnancy tests claim that they can tell if you are pregnant before you miss your period. But they may not be as true to their word. It is not entirely possible to detect pregnancy as early as that. For accurate results, follow the guidelines on the package or consult your medical provider about when and how to take the test.

Can I Dilute My Urine To Make A Pregnancy Test Negative?

Diluting your urine will only make the test more inaccurate as it will alter the hCG concentration in your urine. It is best to talk to your medical provider and learn the correct way to test for pregnancy. 

What Liquid Should I Use For A Pregnancy Test?

We recommend testing with your first-morning urine. This is because the HCG content in your urine is highest in the first few hours of the day.

It will, therefore, provide the most authentic reading. 

You might be asking how to make a pregnancy test positive without urine. Hold that thought right there. It simply won’t work without urine. 

Can A Pregnancy Test Show A False Positive Or False Negative Result?

Although most pregnancy tests are closely accurate, they can give false positive or negative results. Some of the mistakes you can make that could result in a false +/- reading are– testing too soon, not following the instructions closely, using an old or defective kit, or having other medical conditions. The best way to go forward in such cases is you take the test by strictly adhering to the rules and talking to a medical professional about it (if need be.)

To Finish Off

So, what liquid turns a pregnancy test positive? It’s a complicated answer. Plus, the answer is also very tough to access. 

If you are not sure how to use a kit or the results don’t match your symptoms,  try reading the directions on the pack or contact the manufacturer for customer service. Of course, you can seek medical help if you want more curated and authentic professional support. 

If you have questions to ask or thoughts to share, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you!

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Abdul Aziz Mondal


Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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